Apcotun Civil Government Organization in Kornax | World Anvil

Apcotun Civil Government

The Apcotun Civil Government cosists of the Utepavir and a council of roughly one hundred councilors who serve as a sort of legislature. The same councilors, or their younger brothers and sons, also serve in the bureaucracy that carries out the day-to-day functions of the city government.


On the 8th of Besped in the year 1265 LE, the Biati surrendered the city of Apcotun to the Calpian Legion under the command of Giccabulus Heius Bobus Uccomsus, who had been R̂oldavus Capubalus' second-in-command until three days prior, when the Imperial monarch had died of a massive stroke. Twenty days later, on the 28th of Besped, Heius stood up the Apcotun Civil Government, appointing one of his captains, Vilicus Cultuabus, as Utepavir.

Founding Date
28 Besped 1265 LE
Geopolitical, City council
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state
Economic System
Market economy
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities