Utepavir Rank/Title in Kornax | World Anvil


An Utepavir is the appointed ruler of a large city in the Calpian Empire.


Must be a member of the city's aristocracy.


The R̂oldavum appoints the Utepavir to govern a large city. Once appointed, the Utepavir serves a non-renewable term of ten years, or until their death.


The Utepavir is expected to be loyal to the R̂oldavum and the Empire at all times, and to see that the city remains so, as well.


  • Maintain order within the city
  • See to the defense of the city
  • Collect taxes in the name of the Empire
  • Oversee the day-to-day governance of the city


A Utepavir may keep ten percent of all taxes collected as personal income, and may retain an additional ten percent of tax revenue for the operation of their city.
Form of Address
Ter̂uum (Lord)
Equates to
Secondary Ruler
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Ten years from appointment
Reports directly to
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