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History of The Known World

The Ages of Elves & Dwarves

10000 PT 1000 PT

  • 9100 PT

    The Destruction of Fuscus
    Disaster / Destruction

    In C. 9100 PT, A gigantic dwarven coalition marches upon the Elven lands of Fuscus, which was then an ancient forest covered in towering trees.
      The Dwarves and Elves still tell different stories of why the attack took place. The Elves claim the Dwarves lusted after the splendour and power that the Elves possessed. That their lust for wealth had finally lead them to attempt conquer the Elven Realms.
      The Dwarves claim that the dwarves were dying to a viscous plague, and the elves had the means to stop it, but withheld it from them. Thus they had no other choice but to try and force their hand.
      Another story, seldom told, is that this was Seó's first scheme. That he was born of this treachery, no matter which side of the story one believes, and that he fed it, like an unbreakable cycle of deceit.
      The result was the complete destruction of the oldest Elven Realm on Kosmós. The land of Fuscus shattered in the battles, were the gods themselves threw themselves into the fray. Raka and Tuma, the gods of Roots and Growth, cursed the Dwarven host in Fuscus, those dwarves that remained in Fuscus, were swallowed by the very earth they burrowed into. It is said the blood of dwarves is what makes the many rivers of Fuscus glow its infamous eery red.

The Fachfordian Period

1000 PT 329 PT

  • 329 PT

    The Weallander Invasions of Elwe
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Weallanders start migrating to the continent of Elwe en masse, coming into conflict with the native Fachfordian Kingdoms, and bringing many to distruction.

The Weallander Period

329 PT 0 PT

  • -329 PT

    The Weallander Invasions of Elwe
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Weallanders start migrating to the continent of Elwe en masse, coming into conflict with the native Fachfordian Kingdoms, and bringing many to distruction.

  • -101 PT

    Hyp upon Treath Independence
    Political event

    Hyp upon Treath, the largest Wédonian overseas colony, gains independence from Wédon after decades of declining influence.

  • The Year of Union
    The Union of Aster
    Era beginning/end

    The Dyti colonies of Elwe banded together on this day to form the Republic of Aster. Ushering a new age of the world.


The Asterian Age

0 PT and beyond

  • The Year of Union
    The Union of Aster
    Era beginning/end

    The Dyti colonies of Elwe banded together on this day to form the Republic of Aster. Ushering a new age of the world.

  • 83 MT

    The fall of Hynadeyr

    The ancient Fachfordian Kingdom of Hynadeyr falls to the Republic of Aster, after a short but brutal war.

  • 260 MT

    279 MT

    The Dorran Wars
    Military: War

    The Weallander Kingdom of Dor and Aster fight multiple wars, ultimately ending with the fall of the Dorran Capital Kingleigh (now Palipoli) and the dismantlement of dor by the rebellions of Harten and Senke. The Asterian Province of Reios is founded, and Dor is reduced to its current size.

  • 340 MT

    The subjugation of Cæpton
    Military: War

    The Asterian-Weallander wars of Notos conclude with the fall of Cæpton and the surrender of the Weallander alliance to the Asterian Alliance. The wars were fought between Cæpton and its allies (Brymham and Walceaster) and Aster and its allies (Hyp upon Treath, Fordfirth, Holmhythe, and Chipchester). The cities allied with Aster were all smaller cities that were dominated by the larger three cities of the Cæpton alliance.   With the Asterian expansion into Notos at Mereport, the smaller cities saw an opportunity to rid themselves of their weakening overlords. Cæpton, Walceaster and Brymham had all been weakened by infighting over the last years, and were unable to offer effective resistance. Aster formally intervened on behalf of the smaller cities, seeing it as a golden opportunity for expansion to the east.   The smaller cities were afforded a unique amount of autonomy, on par with the college of Magos, in return for their nominal subjugation. This autonomy was not granted to Cæpton, Brymham, and Walceaster.

  • 347 MT

    350 MT

    The First Aster-Isizzi War
    Military: War

    The first conflict between Aster and Issiz, resulting from a trading conflict on the steel cliff sea. The sides fought each other to an uneasy stalemate.

  • 360 MT

    371 MT

    The second Aster-Issizi war
    Military: War

    The second war between Aster and Issiz ended in a decisive Issizi victory. The Asterian settlers were driven from the shores of Estomi by Issizi forces with the help of the Weallander city states of Estomi.

  • 410 MT

    429 MT

    The Third Aster-Issizi War
    Military: War

    The Third Aster-Issizi war was an incredibly bloody 19 year conflict between Aster and Issiz. After being defeated in the second war, Aster's settlers left the continent of Estomi. However, in recent decades, during a time of internal strife in Issiz, Asterian settlers had returned en masse with the secret approval of the Senate.   The war began with a conflict in Wédon, where the pro-Issizi Tyrant was overthrown by pro-Asterian nobles. This caused Issiz to lay siege to the city. Aster then came to the city's aid, and broke the siege of Wédon. This victory was followed by a string of decisive victories at sea, esentially ending Issizi naval power in the Filiko Sea.   For a decade, Asterian and Issizi armies fought each other to a stalemate, resulting in tens of thousands of deaths on both sides. The war ended when the the Emporor of Issiz passed away unexpectedly from food poisoning. The ensuing power struggle destroyed Issizi unity, and Aster signed a harsh peace treaty. The province of Neodytia was created, and Issiz lost all influence over the Weallander cities in western Estomi.

  • 483 MT

    495 MT

    The Fourth Aster-Issizi War
    Military: War

    The Fourth Aster-Issizi war was the deadliest war in the known world since the wars of Elves and Dwarves. It began with an unexpected incursion by Issizi armies into Neodytia and the conquering of the Asterian-allied Weallander cities of southern Estomi.   With the Asterian governor being completely unprepared, the province of Neodytia was almost completely overrun. The senate appointed a dictator for the first time in centuries to take charge against the Issizi threat.   by 490, Wédon was the only Asterian foothold left in Estomi, and it was under siege by Issiz. The republic mounted a huge landing of troops in what is now Vectir. The Issizi forces there and north of Fuscus were completely caught of guard and utterly annihilated. This left the road into Issiz proper completely open. Asterian forces ignored Wédon, and laid siege to the major Issizi city of Potoneiron in 492, and destroyed a quickly gathered Issizi army attempting to stop them. The siege was harrowing, with the mages of Potoneiron inflicting terrible casualties on the Asterians.   The Issizi army at Wédon broke their siege, and marched south to relieve Potoneiron. Asterian Rangers slowed down the army and hampered their supply lines. The 40000 strong Issizi army was resting at the small town of Avondin when a small fleet of Asterian ships, conceiled by fog and aided by war priests attacked the Issizi camp on the riverbank with Asterian firethrowers. The camp was completely destroyed, and thousands of Issizi soldiers perished. The army then retreated in disarray towards Issiz. 2000 Asterian soldiers ambushed them around Dudin and shattered the demoralised army.   Issis and Aster then signed a peace, granting Aster the lands of Pólesos and Íliotos.

  • The Year of Calamity
    The Great Calamity
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Great Calamity was a huge magical explosion in the former Issizi Empire. It caused the complete destruction of that empire and its lands, the Asterian Armies stationed there. The cause of it is unknown, but its effects are felt to this day.

    More reading
  • 591 MT

    592 MT

    The Bezet Revolt

    The Duchy of Bezet, a puppet state of the Asterian Republic, rebels against the republic during the Chaos of the great calamity. The revolt is brutally crushed by the skilled Asterian General Alceus Priam.

  • 591 MT

    16 /4

    East Aster secession
    Political event

    Pythius, The general sent to pacify East Aster, rebels against the senate and proclaims himself Emperor of East Aster

  • The Great Betrayal
    The Etaíki Rebellion

    The Etaikí company blockades and defeats the Asterian forces in and around Cæpton. Through the heroic actions of Asterian Admiral Lysias, Aster's navy was spared total destruction. Most of the Asterian holdings in Notos fall to Etaikí control.

  • 599 MT

    1 /5
    599 MT

    5 /12

    Etaikí invasion of Harten
    Military: War

    The Etaíki company unsuccessfully attempts to invade Harten, Due to their underestimations of Harten's resolve and strength, the conflict fizzles out into an uneasy stalemate.

  • 600 MT

    The Fourth Fachfordian War
    Military: War

    Aster invades the Fachfordian kingdom of Astyny, punishing them for their support of Bezet. after great initial success, the war devolves into brutal guerilla warfare in the ancient inland forests of the many Isles of Astyny.

  • 608 MT

    611 MT

    Asterian-Etaikí Skirmishes
    Military: Skirmish

    Asterian and Etaikí naval forces regularly make probing attacks and raids on each other's shores and merchant marine. There is no state of all out war, but hostilities are flaring.

  • 609 MT

    The Defiling of Brymham
    Disaster / Destruction

    The city of Brymham is utterly destroyed by plague and creatures from the veins of Fuscus. The Elves of Notos tried and failed to aid the city, now being blamed by Ealdhriht for its destruction. most, if not all citizens perish. There are reports from refugees of three massive green fiery explosions laying waste to large swathes of the city. The city is now only home to the sighs of the fallen, and whatever horrors subjected it to its grim fate.

  • 610 MT

    The Woodelven War
    Military: War

    The Woodelves of Notos break their isolation to support the Humans of Brymham, their queen is killed in unknown circumstances, and their forces retreat to the forests of Notos. Etaikí forces reportedly enter the great forest on both the eastern and western sides of the continent.

  • 610 MT

    The Etaikí Invasion of Ealdrhiht
    Military: War

    The Etaikí Corporation invades the lands of Ealdrhiht. Ealdrhiht is materially and financially supported by Aster, Walcaester and Norðanburg are besieged, Brymham is utterly destroyed in a mysterious incident.

  • 610 MT

    The Vectiri Civil War
    Political event

    The Principality of Vectir descends into civil war after the nobility fails to break the stalemate surrounding the election of a new prince. The expansion of Fuscus increases the chaos, and most of the nation is completely fractured, with horrors from the veins rampaging freely through the wartorn land.

  • 610 MT

    The Wrath of Fuscus
    Disaster / Destruction

    A fog from the cursed veins of Fuscus spreads out from the swamp into neighbouring Vectir, the fate of those in it is unknown.