Bailum Observatory

The Bailum Observatory is a monument that consists of several door-like structures made of large rocks. It seems to specifically observe three phenomena: the direction of early human expansion, The Serpent, and the Orphi Gap. Why humans may have built this initially is unknown, with theories ranging from a rudimentary compass to more savage ritualistic behavior.  

Physical Appearance

The observatory consists of three structures, each made of three boulders stacked upon one another. Each "door" either faces the north, west, or east. The stones required to build such as structure would have required resources from Gelvast or Logrvast, leaving the monument's construction shrouded in mystery. Today, small coastal moss and lichens have begun growing on its cracked structure, but no major damage has come to the observatory. While there are no active restoration attempts within the Isles, there is a protective barrier and religious town surrounding the monument, preventing anyone from causing more damage than natural erosion.
Founding Date
25-39 MN
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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