Gelvast (gell-vost)

Gelvast is the southernmost island of the Snow-Rock isles. It has an outer coast of white sand while the rest is covered in jagged mountain ranges. It is hardly a survivable region for your standard farmer, but it has gone under more use in the modern era for its ores and underwater caverns containing various gem deposits.
  The island has some grasslands, but until recently only made use as a guard outpost and beacon. Various legends speak of a massive sea beast being trapped under the island, caged by the mountains. These same legends predict that upon the battle of the Serpents and Spiders, the mountains will glow from the crags beneath, and the beast will glow with a ferocity which can be seen from the depths of the Waters of Taev, acting as a beacon for the Serpents and Eldritch horrors of Taev.
  As it exists today, these stories are used purely to scare children, and Gelvast is the main source of the Snow-Rocks' exported capital.


High mountains and rocky crags. Deep caverns travel below sea level, and are home to strange biology and deposits of rare gemstones.


The fauna of Gelvast mostly consists of gull species which hunt for krill. The dominant species, aside from humans, are the lance-legged gulls.

Localized Phenomena

Prior to harsh storms, clams throughout Gelvast "clap" in a hypnotic pattern.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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