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Demons are a race with the biggest variety of all. They can be seen in all shapes and sizes and with all kinds of personalities and powers. Most of the demons however tend to be evil, wicked, manipulating and sinful which is why people often discriminate them as monsters.   This is an article about the demon race as a whole. For information specific to each demon subrace please check below.  
  • Abyssal Chicken
  • Abyss demon
  • Air demon (Playable)
  • Burned demon (Playable)
  • Cat demon "need better name" (Playable)
  • Cloning Slime Demons "Need better name"
  • Darkness demon (Playable)
  • Demon Fighter "need better name" (Playable)
  • Demon Sprout
  • Demonic Angelo (Playable)
  • Demonic Devil "need better name" (Playable)
  • Demonic Lily (Playable)
  • Dragon demon "need better name" (Playable)
  • Eagle demon "need better name" (Playable)
  • Earth demon (Playable)
  • Fire demon (Playable)
  • Fox demon "need better name" (Playable)
  • Imp
  • Incubus and Succubus (playable)
  • Jorogumo
  • Jubilex
  • Lamia
  • Life stealer
  • Mezzoloth
  • Mantis Demon (Playable)
  • Nycaloth (Playable)
  • Oni (Playable)
  • Piscoloth
  • Rakshasa
  • Raven demon (Playable)
  • Shadow Lurkers (Playable)
  • Ultroloth (Playable)
  • Yagnoloth (Playable)
  • Water demon (Playable)
  • Wayer
  • White demon "need better name" (Playable)
  • Wolf demon "need better name" (Playable)

Basic Information


Demons come in all shapes and sizes, Literally! They might be tiny like birds or huge like behemoths. They might be humanoid or beast like. They might have simply a set of horns or even have wings, multiple arms, tails and what else not. It all depends on the specific subrace.

Biological Traits

A trait that is in common to all demons is the demonic energy. A source of power unique to demons. It powers their abilities, their devices and more. It is as much a part of them as magic.

Genetics and Reproduction

Most demons are mammals. Their gestation period is a pretty long for most species lasting for a year or more.

Growth Rate & Stages

Most demons have a rather fast growth in the first two decades of their life, similar or even faster than humans. It however slows down as they get older. 
The changes a demon experience as it grows depends on subrace.

Ecology and Habitats

Most of the Abyss is a rather inhospitable place, hot and situated underground. But there are also quite a diverse biome above the ground. Each demon subrace live in the part of Abyss that's most suitable for them.
Demons build their cities in harmony with environment, mostly modifying it rather than destroying it. It might be due to the lack of extra space.   Often demons travel to the normal plane and install themselves there. It happens most commonly on Mysteria and Underground because the veil there is the thinnest. When in normal plane most demons live either among other races (often disguised) or as nomads, wandering the lands.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Most demons are omnivores, but there are also species that are pure carnivore. Some demons don't eat normal food, instead preferring to consume spiritual energy, or as some say, Souls.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Regardless of the type of demon they all fall under the same ruler and hierarchy. The hierarchy is dictated mostly by strength. Any demon once strong enough can take the place of another (often by defeating the previous) or sometimes make its own place among them.   At the very top of the demon society is the Demon King or queen. Sometimes there can be a King and a Queen at the same time, but it is rare.
Next are the demon lords. There is no set amount of demon lords. They are usually unique demons, dotted with exceptional powers.
Gumiho, Thanatos, Zagan, Leo and others
Under them are all the Top tier demons.
Darkness demons, Abyss demon, Oni, etc.
Following by most humanoid demons.
Fox demons, Fire demons, White demons, etc.
And at the end are beastlike and Lower demons.
Imps, Demon Sprouts, Life stealers, etc.


Some might find it weird that demons have other demons as livestock or pets. Demons themselves however find it totally normal. Humanoid demons look at beastlike demons the same way as we look at our animals. As such multiple beast demons are domesticated by humanoids. They are kept for multitude of reasons: food, clothing, protection, hunt...
There have been instances of other races keeping demon beasts as pets. But those are rare.   On the other side there have also been humanoid demons kept as servants, allies, or even pets. Such cases are hard to come by, especially nowadays, mostly because demons have been declared a a race under International Racial Treaty. Another reason is the way to achieve it which is through Demon Binding ritual which is known to only few high ranking mages.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The demonic energy being unique to demons there are some who desire its power. There are few ways to get it apart from being a demon.
Mostly it's Warlocks who delve into this field.

Average Intelligence

Most demons possess are as intelligent as humans. However, many are more cunning. Demons often rely on ruse when it comes to dealing with other races so being smart is advantageous.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Same as the anatomy not all demons share the same sensory capabilities. It is common however for demons to have Darkvision.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Although mostly living their lives independently on other races, there have been quite a few instances where demons have Possessed other living beings and made them do their evil bidding.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Demons don't have specific names that they will use. It's the contrary. They dislike having a name that's not unique to them. You won't find 2 demons with a same name and if you find a demon with the same name as a member of another race then it is probably cause the demon did not know about the person's existence. (and they might decide to change the name if they find out)

Beauty Ideals

Beauty ideals are a weird thing for a race that's riddled with very varied subraces. Though most prefer the human shapes and beauty ideals. Incubus and Succubus are generally considered the most beautiful among demon subraces.

Gender Ideals

Unlike some other races demons bother themselves little with gender. They form couples with both, same and opposite sex. Or even both at the same time. Or more.

Relationship Ideals

Demons are mostly free flowing folk. They rarely form families. Mostly remaining in couple till they've had enough and decide to move on. The families are more common with demons who were raised in a family. So upbringing definitely plays a role.

Average Technological Level

Demons don't shy away from technology, but don't strive towards it either. Abyss has its own devices that are often of demonic nature. Meaning that they probably wouldn't operate outside of their plane. Probably because they use the demonic energy in the air to power themselves.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Demons mainly speak Abyssal. They are however quick learners and learn common soon after their arrival on normal plane.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Since times immemorable Demons have been looked upon as embodiments of depravities of this world. It is mostly due to their partially lawless culture. Demons don't have written laws or peacekeeping forces that would capture you in case you broke a law. You are mostly free to do what you want. You could call it Anarchy.   More specific cultural differences my vary from tribe to tribe.   Many believe demons to be the origin of Darkness element.


Not much is known about the demonic history as they live in another plane. They don't mind sharing it. It's just that they don't understand or care much about it themselves.   Around 25000 years ago there was aDemon invasion  ordered by demon king Ravana after the Scarring of Mysteria  but it ended in a flop after demons realized that there wasn't much to conquer on the continent.   However groups of demons went on traveling around looking for other places to conquer or pillage. This eventually led to Blood War (first part)  Blood War (second part)  . When demons conquered and then lost the Underground. Some demos still hold grudge against Devils and Angels for their defeat.   The Age of terror was like a Golden age for demons on the normal plane. There were hundreds, thousands, of demons roaming the world and doing what ever they please. They met little to no resistance due to people being occupied with other problems. Even demons who didn't have enough power to traverse the veil themselves were got in on the fun as mages all around summoned them.

Historical Figures

Ravana was a demon king around 20000 years ago. He ordered a demon invasion on the normal plane.

Known Individuals

Naamah is the current ruler of demons. She wants to invade other races but is still setting things in motion. She is smart. Her main ally is a human.
Gumiho is one of the demon lords. She is a demon fox with thousands of tails. Believed to possess an army of spirits and magic in her tails.
Thanatos is another one Demon lords.
Zagan is a demon lord who wants to rule demons and makes deals with mortals to try to achieve his goal. Currently missing
Leo Is a Cat demon demon lord.
Juiblex is a powerful Demon lord. Yet it is ridiculed and underestimated by its peers.
Daemonlord is a brutish Demon lord.
Akuma is a new type of demon born in a family of Oni.
Rae is the strongest Wolf demon.
Zeruk Aldremecht is a very strong demon. Half Fox demon half Dragon demon 
Alcazar is an evil Demonic Devil that resides in a castle on Lavir.
Fox demon Iroi is a mercenary treading the land.
Ihardon Akuma's father. A noble and an ancient general.
Vailarla Akuma's mother. A noble.
Astaroth a Darkness demon?
Rosalinda is a Darkness demon, principal of Necromancers academy

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Most species consider demons evil and almost Monster. It was a hard deal for them to be included in International Racial Treaty. And even now many don't approve of it.   Demons on the other hand don't mind mingling with other races. And love to play around with them. Many demons consider other races naive or weak, or both.   Demons have a tense relationship with Angels and Devils dating back thousands of years.

D&D statistics


Demon Traits

Your demon has innate abilities and characteristics that depend entirely on its subrace. Consult your subrace (at the top of the page)for your D&D statistics.
Varies greatly
Average Height
Varies greatly
Average Weight
Varies greatly
Average Length
Varies greatly
Geographic Distribution

Articles under Demons


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