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City where Yami Yakuza is in charge. Surrounded by Jungle. Peaceful town. Populated by various kinds of races, mostly humans.   There are 2 emblems at the both sides of entrance of the town. One of them is white with dark owl surrounded by stars which is the city emblem. The other one is a dice surrounded by 3 foreign writings which belongs to Yami Yakuza, the main force of the city.
Mostly 2 or 3 floor buildings, flowers on windows, streets full with people, and at the middle a city square with a fountain. The Yami Yakuza Manor is located at the north end of the to city.


Population: 30,841
- Households: 10,957
- Farmers: 1202   The most present species is Humans, but most other races can be found here as well. Osham is also known to be the country with the least economic differences among its citizens.


The city is ruled over by the Yami Yakuza guild. The type of government in place is Meritocracy, where the most deserving are in the highest positions.


A sturdy wall surrounds the entirety of the city. The main gate being surrounded by an especially high and sturdy wall of multiple layers. Most of the town is surrounded by a jungle which serves as a deterrent to any armies. The wall also counts numerous strategically placed towers offering good observation posts and spots for ranged units.    The guild manor and its surroundings (garden, training grounds, guild barracks) are encircled by an inner wall giving an additional protection.   The town also has multiple guard posts which house emergency tunnels leading behind the inner wall. All of the tunnels are constantly under surveillance from both sides.

Industry & Trade

Ever since the people settled near the Jungle its natural resources have been exploded.
Farmers around Osham grow crops and trade them.
A new material called Rubber has lately started to circulate in trade as well.
Trade and industry Osham has always been based mainly on extracting natural resources and transform it somewhere else. One of the largest contributors to the region’s economy is the export of timber. Trees are a treasure of the jungle; mahogany, teak, chestnut, walnut, rosewood and ebony are valued for their beauty and hardness. Agriculture represents an important part of the economy of the region, products including bananas, soy beans, cacao, coffee and maize are produced in land that has been cleared and most of it is produced for exportation.   Opportunities for trade improve as transportation through the jungle progresses. The biggest challenge has been to build reliable roads that will not get washed away by rain. There are no bridges on the river or its tributaries so vehicles have reliable way of crossing them. The river is vital for transportation of residents and goods.    Another great hurdle that gets in the way of proper transportation through the jungle is the abundance of dangerous creatures that live there.    The foreign trade is mainly done by traveling merchants that either travel with caravans or ships.


Osham possesses one of the few sewer systems of the world.
A water treatment plant ensures that the water from the river arrives to the citizens of Osham in top quality.
The main guild hall of Yami Yakuza serves also as the main seat of government. Though there is also a smaller town hall for more everyday needs.
The town is surrounded by a sturdy wall made by Yami Yakuza after acquiring the town.
The surrounding farms are well equipped with windmills and watermills.


The city is mainly separated in 5 districts.
At the entrance of the town is the fortified garrison. Here you can find barracks for the guards, the prison, stables, blacksmith and a few other basic artisans, shops and institutions.
In the center of the town is the Town center (logical). An open space with a beautiful fountain in the middle, benches to sit and greenery all around. This space is for gatherings and peaceful relaxation. 
Surrounding the town center is the market district. It is full with shops, restaurants, artisans, taverns, inns and like.
Around the market district is the living area which is mainly constituted of homes for the citizens of Osham.
Finally the furthest end of the city is allocated to Yami Yakuza. The guild hall/manor is located there. As well as the guild's barracks.


Not all of the assets are publicly known but the public records state: "The assets of Yami Yakuza include the town of Osham and everything inside it as well as the Osham Harbor and the territory surrounding these locations.   Osham Buildings of importance: Guild headquarters (manor), 20 shops of various trades, 30 artisan workshops of various professions, 5 restaurants, 5 taverns and inns, a tattoo and piercing establishment, 4 barracks accompanied with training grounds, Poetry arena, Art gallery, Library, Park, Bank, black market (location unknown), house of press, 2 stables, post, guard garrison, prison, museum, theater, brothel   Osham harbor buildings of importance: Large harbor for naval operations and trade, 2 taverns, 2 inns, 2 restaurants, 5 shops, 5 artisan workshops, 1 stable, resort   Surrounding buildings and assets of importance: 75 farms with farmland of 7,831 acres, and livestock amounting ton 2,250 animals.   Troops: Yami Yakuza has 114 members at the moment this is written. This includes the Captain, 4 vice captains and 10 crew members. They also command the guards of Osham which number 200 including officers.   Weapons: 300 swords, 143 clubs and maces, 250 katanas, 56 axes, 98 pole weapons, 14 staves, 159 spellcasting focuses and mage weapons, 238 bows and crossbows, 30 guns, 108 weapons of various kinds (whips, blowguns, etc).   Armor: 112 medium armors, 70 shields, 222 light armors, 48 heavy armors   Magical items: The guild possesses approximately 80 magical armors and shields as well as approximately 200 magical weapons of various kinds and around 200 magical items of various kinds (orbs of light, self writing quills, bags of holding, etc) Some items of note are: Rain Dragon, Bow of the royal stag, Evil Dragon Greatsword, Alcehmy Jug, Yami Yakuza Katana, Fate dice    Technological assets: Yami Yakuza possesses some unique technological devices. Notably a laptop, arm computers, long distance communication devices, guns, a car (most of the unique tech is Outertech that comes from Leon's world or some other world)   Mounts and vehicles: 325 horses, 20 war carts, 30 Dalmassian Battle Pig, 10 ships, 1 car   Monetary assets: Combined wealth of guild and town amasses to 10 962 100 gold   This concludes the list of Yami Yakuza assets."

Points of interest

The manor of the guild is a sight to see. Even if non-guild members can't approach it too close it can still be admired from afar.
The central plaza is also well known for its beauty and appreciated as a great place to relax.
Many are attracted by the various establishments like the Tattoo artist.
And then there is the jungle. The savage nature of it attracts many, be it adventurers or simple tourists.


Tourism is an important component of the region’s economy. Tourists spend hundreds of gold a year in lodging, food and local products and services. The nice atmosphere of the town and the savage beauty of the jungle is attractive to many.


The buildings are tall and colorful, flowers adorn almost every window. Colorful awnings and banners decorate the shops and other establishments.    Although the fortified garrison is still beautiful the buildings here are more gray and some, like guards barracks, are more practical than aesthetic. To keep the colorful air of the town alive most buildings have some flags, banners or other decorations.


Osham is located next to the Jungle. As a matter of fact it is partially surrounded by it to the west.


It is warm or hot all year varying between 20°C and 30°C. Precipitation value is high throughout the year. The rainfalls are frequent.

Natural Resources

Trees (mahogany, teak, chestnut, walnut, rosewood and ebony, among others) are valued for their beauty and hardness.
Bananas, soy beans, cacao, coffee and maize. As well as meat and materials from exotic creatures.
Inhabitant Demonym
Citizens of Osham
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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