Nespril and Halyewix Menk Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Nespril and Halyewix Menk

Twins that are members of The Harpers.

Nespril Menk

Male halfling with short black hair, he is currently laying on top of a blue robe unconscious in the corner of his cage. You can see that his clothes are incredibly dirty.

Halywix Menk

Female Halfling with short black hair, similar to her twin brother. Walks with a limp due to wounds and lacerations she suffered from Morklav when she was a prisoner of Maraxax.
  • Rescued from Maraxax's Domain in Session 53: The Mind Can Only Bend So Much.
  • She is a high ranking Spymaster for The Harpers Guild working in the intelligence division within the Harper Hall in Waterdeep.
  • The Harper Hall is located in the second floor of an inn and tavern named The Beholder's Lament, located in the Trade Ward of Waterdeep.


High Harper Tam “the Shepherd” Zawad
  • The spymaster of Waterdeep is now a High Harper in his own right, but Tam Zawad only reluctantly came in from the field. A Calishite man in his early fifties, Zawad hasn’t lost his edge, and his underlings occasionally have to remind him to delegate. The devout priest of Selûne became a spy when a spymaster of Amn caught him assassinating a Shadovar agent and brought him into her network. After her death, he served many masters, but Selûne above all. Though he wields a great deal of influence, Tam Zawad doesn’t desire power—he takes the Code of the Harpers seriously. Because of his old cryptonym, some Harpers from other networks call the Waterdhavian Harpers “the Flock,” to the erstwhile “Shepherd’s” consternation. Tam Zawad always has an eye and an ear out for potential new Harpers—particularly individuals who have successfully fought against Shade. Normally, Harper agents study and test potential members before any offer of membership is made—in fact, before the candidates even know they are under consideration. But sometimes, when time and resources are short, Tam Zawad may pull an adventurer into the fold much more quickly
  The Harper Hall and Nera Harldrake
  • The Waterdhavian base of the Harpers is hidden within a pubic inn and tavern called The Beholder’s Lament, which is located in the Trade Ward of Waterdeep. It is neither the nicest inn (those who want someplace pleasant to stay can choose from plenty of better inns close by) nor the shabbiest (those who want a cheap, dirty place where no one will bother them wouldn’t stay here). Forbiddances that prevent enemies of the Harpers from successfully spying protect many of its rooms. To all who enter the Harper’s secretive refuge in Waterdeep, Nera is nothing but a gruff tavernmistress—the sort adventurers can find in any town across Faerûn. In truth, Nera was once a spy in the service of the Open Lord, until she took an arrow to the knee. Now her keen eye and memory for faces serves Tam Zawad well, because she stands as the gatekeeper for the hidden rooms that make up the Harper safe house. This inn has been the Harpers’ secret hideout for nearly a decade, but recently the High Harpers have been debating relocating it. Nera’s past is far behind her, but of late she’s found unusual symbols carved into the fence around her tavern—and they’re not the Harpers’ symbols. She can’t recall seeing any of them before, but the possibility that one of the Open Lord’s old enemies has found her is one she’s particularly concerned about.

Nespril & Halywix Menk

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