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Session 2: Newfound Friends

24 Eleasias/August, 1485

General Summary

After laying your new friend, Veradda, to rest your party decided to head northeast to Dawn Pass. Veradda's notes talked about a friend that she had met who had lived right off Grayvale Run on the west side of the valley. This was a commonly visited destination for travelers heading through Dawn Pass to the Village of Parnast, called Vallie's End.   When you arrived at Vallie's End you received a warm welcome from a lovely female dwarf named Valarie Steinthrow and her large dragonborn partner Skork. You spent the evening their talking and drinking with your new friends and of the different tales of the land. There was however another visitor at the bar, Bolivar Snooger, a half-orc paladin whom is seeking to purge these cursed lands of the evil that has been corrupting it for the past 900 years. After an evening of laughs and drinks you learned of several important things that happened in these lands:   The Battle of Loagrann Valley that happened nearly 900 years ago wiped out the majority of civilization in these parts. The humans and dwarves of the land battled together against a powerful elemental evil that was summoned by a high ranking general from the Abyss.   Valarie's ancestors fought in that battle and were very prominent miners in the dwarven stronghold of Dun Kuden which served as the last defense in the battle. Dun Kuden was known for its famous mine, The Ore'heim, where the dwarves mined extremely rich ore and rare jewels.   There is a powerful and astonishingly intelligent hill giant named Bad Fruul, who has amassed a rather significant host of lesser giants and other monstrous humanoids and has been tearing a bloody path across the Sword Coast and has even been spotted near the Greypeak Mountains. Skork tells you about the state of the Village of Parnast and the recent appearance of Blagothkus’s Skyreach Castle when Blagothlus and his cloud giants nearly destroyed the city.   Zephyr found a heavily damaged red leather tomb that was a personal ledger of a person named Dunther Cree who was a member of the Cult of the Dragons, which detailed various powerful beings that were constituents to the Cult of the Dragon in some way, shape, or form. You were able to make out a few names, but not much beyond that. The names you gathered were:
  • Laktaga Ore'heim
  • Shore'dal the Gate Keeper
  • Zul'kaz
  • Karleta Dinmurrow
  • Thane Kayalithica
  • The Iron Baron
After a comfortable nights stay in Vallie's End, your party set out for the next treasure destination detailed in Veradda's notes with your new found friend, Bolivar. Which was a mysterious pyramid that was formed in the middle of a clearing in the foothills of Greypeak. You found it and discovered three incredibly friendly galeb duhr named Ggrrkk, Hhffft, and Prrt who were actually built into and a part of the stone structure - and they were incredibly happy to be there! A much better life than their family who were part of a wall down in Dragonspear Castle. Inside the pyramid you found some treasure along with evidence that kobalts had previously dug their way in here. You also found a note that implicated the kobalts involvement with the local frost giants.     The notes in Veradda's journal were a bit vague and you were not able to locate the exact location for the third cash, however you were able to easily located the abandoned dwarven stronghold of Dun Kuden. You guys made your way in and battles a small army of kobalts, and actually managed to extract information from the creatures. You learned that the mine was now inhabited by a great powerful creature along with small fire elemental beings. These kobalts, however were under the employ of fire giants located in Deadstone Cleft and they were trying to get down into the forge room themselves to retrieve a large deposit of silver that was known to be down there, however they were having no luck getting past the elementals...
The Ragtags
Bolivar Snooger
Willy Greenbow
Catnip Nodelkiir
Level 13 Air Genasi CG Horizon Walker 9, Naivara's Champion 4
/ 129 HP
Report Date
26 Sep 2020
Primary Location

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