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Session 3: The Ore'heim

General Summary

Your party made your way down, deep into the roots of the Greypeak Mountains. You came into a large beautifully carved chamber. The smoke in this room made scanning the area difficult. You could hear the crackling of large fires, and glowing from deeper in the room provided clear evidence of large fires there. An even brighter glow split the center of the room, giving you the impression of a river of lava. Every so often fire burst forth from a large symbol etched into the wall in the southeast corner of the room. You could make out the forms of charred kobold bodies throughout the room. Your party managed to defeat the Magmin as they emerged from the river of lava, and as the battle ensued it attracted the attention of the Ogre Howdah who resided down here. The sudden sight of this gigantic creature took your breath away… never before did you believe that such a monster could exist, until now. This 15-foot tall, 2-ton creature was covered in armor and had the top half of a defensive structure fixed upon its back. You now understand why it was difficult to tell from the personal ledger of Dragon Cultist, Dunther (the Red Leather Tomb) whether Laktaga Ore’heim was a person or place. Contained within the structure was a number of goblins shooting arrows at you.   While you dispatched your foes, (along with the help from the flame trap) the smoke cleared immediately when Catnip used the silver to reveal the details of this room. There were several large charred pits throughout the room, and a 10-foot-wide river of lava flows through the center of the room. The pits appear to have been created to allow miners and blacksmiths to work with ore, perhaps using the fire in some way. Upon further investigation you saw that the flame trap was actually the Mark of Immix, the Prince of Elemental Evil Fire. When the stone from the fire trap cools, you saw that the Mark of Immix was actually a part of a larger mural that looks like it has been magically imbedded into the stone wall. The mural depicted a battle of epic proportions. A sea of both dwarves and men occupy the land in the Dawn Pass Valley. Flame consumed the land around the valley, leaving legions of men and dwarf set aflame. In the distance, details a creature, the creation of flame, smoke and earth standing nearly 200 feet in the air wreaking havoc to the armies below. The Mark of Immix was branded on the chest of the colossal outlandish being. Standing off on a cliff the distance there is a devilish horned fiend holding a giant curved flaming stone blade, cackling in uproar as his elementals destroy the armies below. You recognize this as the Battle of Loagrann Valley that ensued roughly 900 years ago, for a story Valarie told you back at Valie's End.   The conjoining room was essentially a balcony that opened up in a large cavern that contained two forges. One a standard smithing forge and the other a much larger unique forge that was identified a gem crafting forge that worked off of a build up of steam produce from deep below where the lava river met the rushing waterfall in the cavern below. Zephyr revealed to the party his prized medallion that contained a large red unique gem in the center of it. Catnip with her gem crafting background was able to deduce that the unique cut and design of the gem was likely created by a machine like this. In this room you found a trap door on the floor that contained both the tools and the personal effects of the master of this forge.   While you were resting comfortably in the large cavern room, you watched as Bolivar was extremely restless and kept pacing the room. Suddenly he froze, the party would have never noticed if not a soft voice addressed the party, looking at Kadzurak with recognition." So it is true, the bearer of Winiroth is still alive and appears to have turned a new leaf!" You saw a beautiful woman, with long white hair and red plush robes wrapped around the back of the Paladin. Before you could react, she gently kissed his neck and they fell backwards, into a portal on the ground and disappeared from sight. The portal closed, leaving behind a familiar residue of both the Shadowfell and Abyss.
The Ragtags
Bolivar Snooger
Willy Greenbow
Catnip Nodelkiir
Level 13 Air Genasi CG Horizon Walker 9, Naivara's Champion 4
/ 129 HP
Report Date
26 Sep 2020
Primary Location

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