Feylon Buckham Character in Locbroalm | World Anvil

Feylon Buckham

Created by Devon Troeger
 For the world created by Tracy Sycks

Lord Feylon Kyraceus Juliaron Buckham (a.k.a. Raven, Robin, Fey)

Raven Buckham, the coolest cat any of you have ever known, is known around the Golden Academy as "Failin' Raven," because of famously atrocious academic performance. He spends most of his days sleeping in the boughs of trees, gambling in the local casinos, or doing things someone of his age should not be doing. Aside from all these terrible habits and attitudes, Raven is an ace with his gunplay, and is an all around good guy, kind and passionate toward his friends.  

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slender and toned  

Facial Features

Sports multiple earrings and Shirdal's most dashing goatee.  

Physical quirks

  • Chronic yawning
  • Fidgets a lot with his hands. Primarily satisfied with 6-sided dice or one of his revolvers.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears his school uniform as expected. Oh, except that he's turned his school jacket into a cape with wolf's fur as shoulder mantles. It's not surprising to see him let part of his button-down lay untucked from his pants. Somehow makes himself look fashionable despite his disheveled appearance.  

Specialized Equipment

  • Revolvers
  • Proficient, but specialized, in other firearms

  • Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    "Why take the world by the horns, when you could just stay away from the horns, you know? I'd much rather lay back and enjoy a a nice, relaxing -- OH SHIT! DOUBLE SIXES! Nice! Roll 'em again, boss!"
    Raven was born Feylon Kyraceus Juliaron Buckham, the eldest son to the Lord of Buckham Province. In terms of trauma, he experienced none. His father and mother raised him well, and his father possesses high expectations of him.  
    "Nice to meet you too... but I don't think that's your name, because your name is... IT! You're it!" proclaimed a young Leo Astrid.
    "You scoundrel!" shouted back a young Feylon, appalled at the lack of honor in the young Prince Astrid, before giving chase.
      During his sixth year, Feylon spent time with a young Prince Leo Astrid . It was during this visit that Leo learned of his twin sister's fate and the true origin of the Festival of Lights. Due to a playful bout with Leo and his friend, Grace, Feylon earned the nickname "Robin".   At a young age, he met Declan Bransen, the heir of the Bransen family. Much to their families' delight, the boys struck a fast and powerful friendship. To Raven, it's his most important relationship. When he turned 8, his father shipped him off to his Aunts, Petra and Elena, to begin formal combat training. Petra identified early on that he would be resistant most traditional weapons. One evening, Elena brought home a revolver she'd confiscated from work. While she and the family tested it out, Raven fell in love with it. Elena arranged for a master gunman to begin his training.   At 11, his father, Kylar , sent him to the Buckham Noble Army to train with them and be a squire of sorts. It didn't take long for Petra to discover his assignment and usurp his placement to her own unit. She taught him the logistics of her command, how to be a leader of soldiers, and tutored him in tactics and strategy. She also procured academic tutors for him and had him instructed in politics, law, history, physics and mathematics, writing and language.   At 15, his father informed him that he would be entering one of the academic institutions in the country and that he should research which he'd like to attend. He wrote to Petra and Elena regarding this news, distraught that he would not be returning to their estate or to spend time under their tutelage. In fact, Feylon argued to his father that he would receive no better education than under the guidance of his aunts. Kylar adamantly disagreed, telling Feylon that they'd corrupted him enough. Petra and Elena both submitted writs of recommendation for Feylon to the Golden Academy. His father soon discovered he'd been accepted into the Golden Academy and assumed that Feylon had himself inquired the school to attend.   Feylon still has no idea his Aunts arranged for his attendance. He believes his father orchestrated it because the Golden Academy is his father's Alma Mater. Because of this, he resents his presence there.   Before his Second semester at the Golden Academy, his mother arranged for his engagement to Lady Harper Marshlyn.   Class Schedule: 1: Homeroom (Hawk) 
    2: Current Events (Marsh) 
    3: Combat Medicine (Marsh) 
    4: Basic Alchemy (Izor) 
    5: Combat Tactics & Training (Hawk) 
    6: History (Oretank) 
    7: Projectile Physics & Mechanics (Oretank) 
    8: Diplomacy & Mediation (Jasmine) 
    9: Literature & Religious Doctrine (Jasmine) 
    Card Arts & Games
    Conditioning & Martial Skills 

    Gender Identity





  • Birth - 8 years old
  • Julia Buckham, his mother
  • Butler Geran Castero
  • 8 to 15 years old
  • Petra Buckham
  • Elena Tarsis
  • Academic Tutors
  • Officer and Enlisted Soldiers
  • 16 years old to Present
  • Instructors at the Golden Academy

  • Employment

  • Student
  • "Professional" Gambler
  • "Professional" Magician

  • Accomplishments & Achievements

    "Dec, my greatest accomplishment's that I was born. And that'll probably be it for me."

    Has completed a number of papers while attending the Golden Academy:

    An Argument for Parliament

  • Argues for the establishment of several new ruling organizations.
  • House of Commons

  • The ruling legislative branch for the Kingdom, elected by regions within the provinces to represent all its people.
  • House of Nobles

  • A ruling legislative branch for the Kingdom, to represent the Nobility, largely presented as a necessity to mitigate noble fears of losing power.
  • Prime Minister

  • An elected position that resides at the top of both legislative branches. Agnostic of birth class, this person could be either a Noble or a Commoner, though Feylon surmises it would most often be held by a Commonder, due to the voting power of the Commoner populace.

  • The Crown: Chaos Masked as Order

  • An in-depth discussion on the dangers of power held by the crown and the vulnerability the results for all social classes, depending on the mental state and nature of the Monarch.
  • Argues for a legal limit to the Crown's power, leveraging international historical examples as to why this is a necessity.

  • Failures & Embarrassments

    • Failed out of his first year at the Academy.
    • Has done nothing but disappoint his father.

    Intellectual Characteristics

    Much more intelligent than anyone suspects. Due to his failing grades, his laziness, and lack of motivation, most characterize him as dumb as a doorknob. In reality, his intellect is superior to most in the Kingdom and he's a tactical and strategic ace.

    Morality & Philosophy

    To most, he seems to not really have any. His vices are many, as he believes life should be enjoyed lest it turn into a chore. But he's passionate about the wrongs of the nobility and believes people should gain rank in society by their accomplishments, not by their blood.

    Personality Characteristics


    "What motivates you, Mr. Buckham?"
    "What? I'm sorry, I don't understand the question."

    Virtues & Personality perks

  • Fiercely loyal to friends
  • Very intelligent
  • Charming, yet lewd
  • Cheerful
  • Fun-loving
  • Calm and down-to-Locbroalm
  • Natural ability to calm tensions
  • Intolerant of noble abuses
  • Commoner apologist, hopes to raise the power of Shirdal Commoners above their birth stations and sees the economy as a means to accomplish this.
  • Democratic beliefs
  • Believes the nobility needs to lose political power and is against Shirdal nepotism.

  • Vices & Personality flaws

    "Oh wow, where'd they grow this tobacco?"
    "It's opium."
    "Oh wow, where'd they grow this opium?"
  • Smoker
  • Drinker
  • Gambler
  • Card counter
  • Lazy
  • Distracted
  • Afraid of responsibility
  • Aloof
  • Non-committal
  • Takes very little seriously.

  • Hygiene

    Extremely well cleaned and put together. Even when he looks like a mess, the mess looks entirely intentional.


    Contacts & Relations

    Declan Bransen (roommate/best friend)
    Mother Bransen (friend)
    Tobias (friend, butler at Noble Dorms)

    Family Ties

    Harper Marshlyn (wife)
    Kylar Buckham (father)
    Julia Buckham (mother)
    Rose Buckham (sister)
    Petra Buckham (paternal aunt)
  • Elena Tarsis (paternal aunt-in-law)
  • Rosa Tarsis (cousin)
  • Fea Tarsis (cousin)
  • Samuel Blakeney (maternal uncle)
  • Matthias Blakeney (cousin)
  • Roth Blakeney (cousin)
  • Abigail Blakeney (cousin)
  • Kyraceus Buckham (paternal grandfather)
    Rosalie Buckham (paternal grandmother)
    Matthew Blakeney (maternal grandfather)
    Nicole Blakeney (maternal grandmother)

    Religious Views

    Hobbies & Pets

    "Aww look at the cute puppy, Fey!"
    "Eugh. Look at 'im... Imagine the responsibility... I think I'm gonna be sick... FROM HOW CUTE HE IS! This Pupper is the best Pupper!"


  • Gambling
  • Dice Games
  • Card Games
  • Napping
  • Reading
  • Magic tricks
  • Sleeping around
  • Engineering & mechanical projects with Declan

  • Relationships

    Harper Grace Marshlyn


    Towards Feylon Buckham



    Feylon Buckham


    Towards Harper Grace Marshlyn



    Wealth & Financial state

    Significant and unknown

    The reluctant heir of the Buckham Provincial Lordship. Locbroalm's greatest fan of naps, card and dice games of coins, and all varieties of vices. He's as quick with his tongue as he is with his revolvers.

    View Character Profile
    "Wow, look at that tree. Must be a hundred years old! Bet it's a great place to nap..."
    Chaotic Good
    Current Status
    On a date with Harper
    Current Location
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Lord Heir of Buckham
    Date of Birth
    20 Grehn 1579
    Current Residence
    Golden Academy, Edgewind, Astrid Province
    Black, medium wavy, pulled back
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    185 lbs
    Aligned Organization
    Known Languages


  • First language
  • Fluent
  • Reading/Writing: Mastered, Collegiate
  • Listening/Speaking: Mastered, Collegiate

  • Thieves' Cant

  • Picked up around gambling houses and seedy associates
  • Non-fluent
  • Reading/Writing: Intermediate
  • Listening/Speaking: Elementary

  • Undercommon

  • Non-fluent
  • Reading/Writing: Elementary
  • Listening/Speaking: Sub-elementary
  • "Nothing like the soft rebounding sound of dice on a table."


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