Locbroalm History of Shirdal Timeline

History of Shirdal

  • 1 AC

    1 Bezard

    The Gods Ascend

    It is said that in the beginning, one God, Cronos, reigned over all. People believed that if they amassed together and assaulted the heavens they could easily take one God and reign over themselves. No one returned from that war with the God Cronos, but in the days that followed 8 men and women came before the people of Locbroalm claiming to be the new Gods of the Realms.

  • 369 AC

    1 Nebug
    400 AC

    People begin to abandon the Church of Aneris

    People began to abandon the church of Aneris slowly. It had no followers left by 400. It was recorded this was due to a lack of any response from the goddess herself and her followers feelings abandoned by her

  • 1200 AC

    13 Cluems

    Creation of Shirdal

    In the Spring of 1200 while King Tannick and his forces were away, a Priest of Enlil gathered a significant amount of the people of Gryerlth and convinced them to follow him in the formation of a new country.

  • 1551 AC

    1551 AC


    The Great Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    In the spring and summer of 1551 a plague swept over the lands of Shirdal killing nobles and commoners alike. Though a cure was found for the plague by the month of Grehn, many more people died due to the nobles hoarding it for themselves.

    Additional timelines
  • 1578 AC

    1 Cruzo

    Orion Astrid takes the Throne from his Father Ara
    Political event

    Due to the failing health of King Ara, at only 26 Orion Astrid stepped up and replaced his father on the throne. This made him one of the youngest kings Shirdal has ever had.

    Additional timelines
  • 1580 AC

    15 Nebug

    A Massive Forest Fire Wipes out Thornwood
    Disaster / Destruction

    A massive forest fire completely wiped out the small border town of Thornwood in Shirdal. No one survived and the town was not rebuilt.

  • 1581 AC

    13 Cruzo

    Princess Andromeda is Assassinated
    Life, Death

    3 days after the first birthday of King Orion's twins, an assassin snuck into the castle and attempted to assassinate the entire royal family. The only member of the family that was killed however was Princess Andromeda, a child of just one year. It is believed that Gryerlth was behind the assassination. The Festival of Lights is now held every year in the Princess's honor.

  • 1596 AC

    19 Prain 1030:00

    The Marriage of Feylon Buckham and Harper Marshlyn

    The marriage of Feylon Buckham and Harper Grace Marshlyn which joined two of the biggest Noble houses in all of Shirdal. It was followed on by an attack from Gryerlth

    Additional timelines
  • 1596 AC

    19 Prain 1100:00

    The Attack of Feylon Buckham and Harper Marshlyn's Wedding
    Military action

    During the wedding of Feylon Buckham and Harper Grace Marshlyn, agents of Gryerlth attacked killing many Shirdalians. This day would mark the official start of the War of Nightmares though the official fighting would not start until later as both Armies stood at a deadlock on the border for many months.
