Gryerlth Organization in Locbroalm | World Anvil


A country sitting near the center of Locbroalm, Gryerlth has Shirdal to its east and Odral to its west.   Gryerlth is a country that has been the center of conflict both inside and outside of its own borders. Starting in 1199 when Mad King Eden Tannick was in power, Gryerlth went to war with the country of Ablen for reasons that historians still debate to this time. During that war, a priest of Enlil, Liam Astrid, left Gryerlth to found the country of Shirdal.   After the war with Ablen ended with a stalemate, and in what many saw as a failure, King Tannick returned only for his own son, Prince Tybolt, to have him arrested and killed. Prince Tybolt decided Gryerlth needed new direction after this. He pledged the country to the God Segomo and decided that to regain everything they lost, including the newly formed country of Shirdal, they would become a military power like no other.   Once again this resulted in conflict as Gryerlth plunged into a civil war over the choices of Prince Tybolt. After just under a year of fighting the civil war came to a close but the landscape of Gryerlth would be changed forever. The Treaty of Obedience  was signed into law and Gryerlth began to use slaves. This is still seen as a massive point of controversy in Locbroalm and a reason for its negative diplomatic relations with many of the other countries in Locbroalm. It is also the reason they have one of the most impressive militaries in the world however.   Though Gryerlth has had negative diplomatic relationships with many of the countries in Locbroalm, the country it has the worst relationships with is Shirdal. Currently on the brink of war, the two countries have been at odds since Liam Astrid left to found Shirdal. Gryerlth has also been accused of the assassination of Princess Andromeda Astrid. There has been no evidence of their involvement.


Gryerlth’s military has around 300,000 trained members in it, and all of its citizens are able to be called up to service if the King deems it necessary.

Technological Level

Gryerlth brands its slaves with a special tattoo behind their right ear. The tattoo is the crest of Gryerlth and creates a telepathic link between the slave and its owner, or in the case of the military between the soldier and its commanding officer. Only the owner/officer can initiate communication.

Foreign Relations

Due to the use of slaves and their treatment of the slaves Gryerlth has negative foreign relations with most of the other countries in Locbrolam. The Treaty of The Oracle which was established between Gryerlth and Ablen keeps trade relationships somewhat established between those countries. Other countries work with Gryerlth tentatively as to not incur their military wrath.
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations

On the brink of War


Articles under Gryerlth


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