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The Cold Jungles of Irragin The lush jungles of Irragin represent untethered growth, a setting where anything can be hidden behind the next bramble, whether indigenous or created in this wilderness. The birthplace of the gnomes, this continent is defined by its incredible technological advancements and continuous efforts to improve.
  Brief History The birthplace of the Gnomes, Irragin, can be described as a perfect balance between nature and innovation. During the first days, the great scribes write of nature being born in the continent’s center, the land flowing with creation arcana, which poured into and created all flora. Then, from their cacoon, the first gnomes were born, their body laced with raw potential, their minds ever destined to innovate.
  On top of the bows of the 400-foot tall Irragin Redwoods, the gnomes made their home developing all manner of mechanisms to make life in the clouds possible and to gaze upon the land given to them. The city of Ningel was founded in the heart tree, and the population flourished. Yet not all gnomes desired to live amongst the cloud. Late in the first era, the booming population established cities among the land, bringing forth a slate highway from the earth, a monument of arcane engineering that remains today.
  Unlike other elder races, Gnomes society did not suffer as its master tinkerers left for the Great Trials, the understudies simply taking their place and working on the next big idea. Already graced with the spirit of the invention, and their inherent connection with nature, the Gnomes simply continued their lives as their worship of the Earth Prime was already the use of its gifts and not overt worship.
  Irragin was fortunate with a mostly peaceful existence during the Great Migration, establishing contact with the Human race, which showed up on the Western Shore unannounced, building the city of Boatwright. This gateway to Telsmir opened the doors of commerce, the demand for Gnomish engineering creating a thriving economy, a byproduct but not a motivation for their inventions. With the arrival of Elven enchantments during the Age of Amplification, a new era of mechanical wonders was achieved, most still unmatched by other races.
  However, the peaceful Gnomes suffered the most during the Age of Titans; their home continent was ripped apart as many Titans emerged from the earth, taking land and homes with it. This devastation is still viewed today, the large pockets of water and irregular shape of Irragin a constant reminder. However, out of tragedy came inspiration, as Irragin produced the need for the Shadow Walker Ranger Guild, a society that has aided in protecting civilization for thousands of years.
  This Elder race was challenged again during the Great Freeze; its decentralized villages could not communicate, causing most to be lost to the cold. The city of Three Streams saved the citizens of Irragin, and its underground infrastructure was reconfigured to expand and protect, leveraging all magical and mundane expertise to ensure their survival. The years underground proved the ingenuity of its citizens and reinforced the blending of all races of Gia.
  As the world thawed and the great ramp was lowered again, the population exploded from the confines of the underground city, creating large settlements along the great highway and banding together in the event of another occurrence. The Freeze did have a drastic effect on the climate of Irragin, producing an exciting jungle vibe but mainly experiencing cooler temperatures. Learning from their mistakes, Irragin now functions as a collection of city-states with emergency power directed from Ningel. Irragin remains a mostly peaceful continent, full of diversity, interlocked in trade and communication to avoid the devastation it felt during the Freeze.
  Geography East-West: 3128 miles North-South: 1748 miles Area: 5,467,744 m2
  The smallest landmass, its core is filled with many various water features. The terrain features cold jungles, swamps, and bogs with little elevation change. The weather is cool, with large amounts of precipitation. This produces an air of dampness as the massive canopies prevent the ground from ever complexly drying out. Irragin features a large amount of snow during the colder season and is ice-locked during the coldest times of the year. Life can thrive within the forest as the dense canopies trap heat for more delicate plant and animal life.
  Flora and Fauna Irragin hosts creatures that enjoy damp and cool climates and animals that have adapted to the wet environment. The wilderness of Irragin is untamed and dangerous, with no accurate account of all the species that could be present. As a result, the general population tends to remain on the created highways, with only trained survivalists braving the wilds.
  CONTINENTAL PLANT AND ANIMAL Irragin Redwood: Growing to heights of over 500ft, the Irragin Redwood is known for its resistance to decay and ability to support immense weight.
  Southern Spotted Turtle: Growing up to 500 lbs, this turtle can be found in almost all major water systems within Irragin. The turtle was nominated to remember all lost to the Titan Gortuse.
  SEA TRAVEL Boatwright - Oar’s Rest, Zeto Standard Vessel: 80 days Arcane-infused Vessel: 32 days Lullin - Lamora, Telsmir Standard Vessel: 48 days Arcane-infused Vessel: 20 days Lullin - Pran, Veritas Standard Vessel: 57 days Arcane-infused Vessel: 23 days SIGNIFICANT LANDMARKS Azmar’s Approach. The Titan Azmar’s attempt to gain power from the Mystical Forest and slay citizens of Ningel created this landmark as its jaws ripped the continent piece by piece. Amzar rest on the site of a magical enchantment that bound the serpent just long enough to cause its demise.
  Dragon Turtle Gulf. The sanctuary of the mythical dragon turtle, a series of moving islands dot the gulf. Those connected to nature look to their wisdom.
  Heart of Irragin. The lifeblood of the original Gnomes, the lake is still revered, with citizens wading in its shallows to reconnect and gain inspiration. In addition, the lake’s essence is credited for the accelerated growth of the Redwoods in the Mythical Forest.
  Pestering Wetlands Never recovering from the Great Freese, this land is unusable by the population and full of insect swarms looking for their next meal.
  Sulvin Swampland. Land infused by the experiments of Rhuin, those brave enough to venture within have described a distorted beast and a path to a nightmarish landscape overgrown by nature.
  Swamp of Grinton. The home of a legendary witch, Grinton calls to her victims in dreams. Those who have returned are a shell of their former self and are called “Husks” by the local population.
  Titan’s Foot Bay. The lowest known point of Gia, the cavern once housed the Titan Xirus, an abomination of a purple worm.
  Vanishing Wetlands. The site of skirmishes between Ecrin and Lakeshore, the land is now considered cursed and actively avoided. The few expeditions that have gone to retrieve lost items have simply vanished.
  Yunti Island. An open-air prison for a vicious race created by magical experimentation. The blood of a Yunti is said to possess rare magical qualities helpful in enchantments and potions, an ever-present fear that journeys there will result in their escape.
  Demographics Irragin is the birthplace of the gnomes. However, its troubled history has swayed the overall population toward equality amongst the more common races. As a result, population diversity is present in all major cities. However, the same can not be said for the architecture. Those wishing to live among the gnomes must do so in a small population proportional atmosphere, one which is connected to nature. Of course, there are exceptions, as the two major port cities are developed to be more accommodating to the larger races.
  Within the wilds of Irragin also reside the Firbolg clans, most of which lay far away from the beaten path and concentrate on self-reliance and minimal population-center interaction. There are multiple tribes divided into collectives of western, central, and eastern cohorts.
  Culture As the birthplace of the gnomes, architecture and traditions heavily reflect their presence and desire for the dramatic or ostentatious visible in their constructions. For a Gnome, nothing is ever finished or good enough. Thus structures will be constantly changing, with a rooted desire for improvement. Their curiosity defines their personality, with the observations of something or someone new resulting in questioning probes that can be viewed as invasive or nosey to outsiders.
  Lovers of life, gnomes are quick with a joke and smile and are always there to lend a helping hand when needed. Irragin exudes an air of companionship and extraversion, living each day to its fullest. Gnomes never do things the traditional way, leading to the invention of the cross-continental barrel delivery system, the Flat-Stone Byway, or vast fields watered by the purified exhaust of an underground city.
  Governance Ruler: Sky Marshal Tinkgood
  Irragin functions primarily as a city-state model, with each town working together for trade and protection. Each town follows a Gerontology government structure with an Elder family responsible for the well-being and safety of the population. Power is typically handed down from generation to generation. In its history, the gnomish race has not rebelled against this structure, as most focus on individual works and contributions and leave the overarching picture to others.
  For protection, each town features its own hired and trained militia who do not directly associate. During matters of continental importance, each militia will rally under the SAP forces of Ningel, forming a union and taking orders from the Sky Marshal. After the threat, the union is disbanded, and the militias’ autonomy is restored. To ensure equal representation and protection, an elder of each city must reside on the war council during a conflict.
  VIOLATIONS Minor: Fines, incarceration Major: banishment, incarceration, The Leap Economics A machine, gadget, or gizmo aimed at pleasure or simplifying life can be found on all vessels leaving Irragin ports. The gnomish population exports the fusion of mechanical and arcane technologies and their utilization. As such, advanced equipment or specialty requests remain a primary income provider. Understanding the distinction between arcane-mechanical fusion and enchantment is essential, which a Gnomish inventor will quickly point out.
  In addition to mechanical marvel, the exportation of the Irragin Redwood remains a stable resource. Growing at 100x the rate of a typical tree, the Redwoods are carefully harvested and replanted under the supervision of Ningel. Incredibly durable, the wood is perfect for water vessels and massive construction projects that need to stand the test of time. Seeing a redwood abode outside of Irragin is a sign of great wealth.
  Significant Dates Heartbeat of Irragin - 20 SoH At the official start of the Harvest, celebrations erupt on all sides of the Heart of Irragin to thank the spirit of Gia for the bountiful harvest. The week-long festival features fireworks or flashing lights amplified by the waters. The most wealthy purchase viewing stations in Ningel to conduct business deals and watch the dancing lights across the lake.
  Ports Closing - 70 SoF The port’s official closing date, all affairs must be settled before the icing of the waters surrounding Irragin. As a result, the continent is typically wholly cut off from the outside world until early SoT.
  Seasonal Close of Three Streams - 25 SoF As the ground grows colder, the residents of Three Streams, along with other cities, arrive at the underground city and prepare for the sealing of the ramp until the following season. This gesture is primarily symbolic and allows for emergency entry and exits.
  The Remeemberance - 150 SoG Hosted annually in Azmar, thousands arrive to send tiny constructed boats into the inlet in remembrance of those lost to the Titan. Then, as the constructs leave sight, a breath of relief is had, the acknowledgment that the Titan remains slain.
  Cities of Irragin Except for the two port cities of Boatwright and Lullin each city heavily reflects the gnomish culture, including size-appropriate accommodations, exciting trinkets, and mechanisms to aid everyday life. Society focuses on maintaining the balance of nature with creation.

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