Runar Killgrr

Runar Killgrr (a.k.a. "Hofkulfr" or the Head Cleaver)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Due to many previous encounters, Runar has suffered many bodily ailments over his lifetime. He possesses a mechanical leg made by one of the Gnomish invenentors in the Crafting District. A missing eye that was cut out by the Rime Giant, Nikryonus.

Facial Features

Runar is an elderly Dwarvengr who wears an eye patch over his one missing eye. His white and grey hair slicked back and his beard worn long down his front.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Runar had lead the Vengr into it's glory days. He was one of the most feared and glorious of all Vengr until the day of his clan and family's deaths. Years ago Runar followed a trail of a beast of cold and frost, leading his band of twenty with them. When they found the beast they were outmatched as the Giant's icy mist swelled through the land. Removing their vision and giving them only the sight of the creatures eyes before their life left them.   When they fought the beast, Runar was attacked where his leg completely had given out and been shattered by the beast, making it impossible to aid without help. He watched barely alive and conscious, as his wife, daughter, and the remaining men of his crew were met with an untimely death. Runar was left as the only survivor, believe this to be his punishment for failing his crew and family, he never considered it would be the moment that set him free to choose his own path.

Failures & Embarrassments

"It was about fifteen years ago now, Northwest of here, sits a small mountainous area. I led a group of twenty Vengr, included among them was my own love, and the most fearsome daughter the Vengr has ever seen. It was the dead of winter, the twin moons sat high above during the mid year fest. A fucking Giant, born of frost and snow sat high above. Seeking a meal of glory through the Killgrr clan. I don't know how he fuckin' did it. But the Titan born fucker froze them all with one fell sweep. Rimewolves followed the fucking thing like it was their own father. Anyway I downed the fucker. Knocked its big arse right onto his knees. Then gave him a big scar across his ugly ass hofud, I'm sorry, his head. The beast then rose, smashed my fucking leg like it was grapes in a vineyard. I watched all my brothers, wife, and my daughter be slaughtered right in front of me. Somehow I lived, though it had taken one of my eyes. And I felt Zar himself, and everyone that ever followed, turn their backs on me. I crawled as far as I could until I was picked up by a traveler on the way. I've lived here ever since. Couldn't take my own life even, Zar won't let me die, so I am doomed to live the rest of my pitiful life alone and never to bask in the glory of Zars halls among my brethren. Yrsa believes that if the beast can be killed in my name, that I may yet again die a Vengr death, and be reunited with my brothers, wife, and daughter."     --Runar, speaking to Jaxon Devine, Lillian Devine, Alistair Cade.

Morality & Philosophy

Prior to the encounter with the Rime Giant, Runar was a true Vengr in every way. Filled with a passion for battle, a thrill for pain, and love of enjoying the wild life they lived. During the years of living alone in Bamor, Runar has retired his grandiose vision of feasting in Zarhalla, and has begun to question the ways that he once lived.
Current Location
Year of Birth
696 N.E. 155 Years old
Darkened brown
Long, unkempt and greyed and whitened with age.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Paled like it has not held the sun's rays.
Quotes & Catchphrases
Hard to believe in something that would turn its back on your for not catering to its ways.