Alistair Cade

Alistair Cade (a.k.a. Cade)

Alistair Cade, or Cade as he prefers, was born in the small settlement of River's End located on the north end of Fall Lake. His parents, Hugo Cade and Edith Cade, owned a small farm where he and his brother Adrian Cade lived. Cade is the husband to Lillian Devine, and also one of the founders of the Shadow Stalkers. Cade is the current Alpha for a Titan of Ice, bearing its Icey powers and ability to shift into a large Rimewolf.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alistair was born in River's End to Edith Cade and Hugo Cade. Throughout much of his life he was always a good and well behaved child, a good role model to his younger brother, Adrian Cade. His parents always tried to coerce both children into working for the farm and lead them to a life where they would one day take over the farm and continue their legacy on the Cade family farm. But this was never the ideals for Cade, who always had his eyes set on making a difference in the world and one day joining the Knights Of Devine to do so, much to the dismay of his parents whom wanted both children to live a safer lifestyle.   5 years ago, the two brothers were playing near the river close to their house. A heavy storm had come through and the two boys were rough housing as they normally would when not practicing or performing their farm duties. One of the river dams up stream had broken and water began to rush through. Both boys had been caught up into the current, Alistair had grabbed Adrian pulling him momentarily under the water before hitting his head upon a rock and his body succumbing to the strength of the current. Cade had blacked out from the blow to the head and the last he remembered was a visual of his brother's head below the water and no where to be found. Believing his brother to be dead at his own hands, he panicked at the worry of what his family would say for being the one responsible for killing his brother and so he fled. Stealing a row boat from a young cloaked girl whom had just docked, he took to the wind and left seeking to sit in his own guilt for many years.   During those years he made travel to Bamor, where he would become a very dedicated and talented bounty hunter for The Hunter's Whip. Quickly becoming one of the best in the guild he could never shake the feeling of being a failure, no matter how successful he became. Eventually the leader of The Hunter's Whip, Trixy Valentine would look to him to take over the group and attempted to groom him to lead. Years later he would meet Lillian Devine and Jaxon Devine as new recruits of the guild, and becoming friends with them, and eventually lover to Lillian.   <Insert defeat of the Ice Titan and proposal>   In an attempt to cure or aid in understanding his affliction with the Alpha condition. The group would leave for the Devine home town, Gracefell, in order to meet with Lilllian and Jaxon's father Arlo Devine. Lillian aided Cade in making amends with his family, and for the first time since the incident, return home to face his parents. When they arrived they learned, that instead of drowning Adrian, he had actually been able to get him out of the water and into safety, where his family had thought he had been the one to have died during the flooding. After the unsettling reunion with his family, he and Lillian, invited his family to their wedding within Gracefell.


Family Ties


Alistair Cade


Towards Lillian Devine


Lillian Devine


Towards Alistair Cade


Adrian Cade


Towards Alistair Cade


Alistair Cade


Towards Adrian Cade


Current Location
Date of Birth
5th Day of Month 4
Year of Birth
829 N.E. 22 Years old
Adrian Cade (Brother)
Forest Green
Slicked back into spiked black clings
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly Tanned