
Built on the ruins of a fallen Hassien city lost to war long ago as the new found home of acceptance between all species of Lyorion. It's architecture consists of vibrant and distinct designs. Some of new construction and others of old. Built upon the edge of Shularix at the sea and split by the river that flows through it. Canals were created to allow water to flow more easily throughout the city, including the Nogmi creation of sewage systems. Anyone is accepted within its walls given that they abide by the main rule of the city, no discrimination. Thus it is common to see Hume, Nogmi, Elfar, Dwarvengr, and many of the half-born, Zhor, within these walls. But these are not the only species to live here, giants and the few Hassien's still alive in shularix have found refuge within these walls and received and given little trouble.    The city's structuring is split between the river, spreading the locations into areas, known as runs,, to aid in governing business and residentials more easily. Many of the buildings north of the river were Hassien buildings renovated to suit the new needs. Showing the structural quirk befitting the city and its inhabitants. A large wall surrounds the city and many farms and slums have begun to grow around it. The guilds in the city offer work for refuge of those willing to work but low on income or a place to go. Small docks are placed throughout the land and the river but the main docks at sea are where most of the traffic and loading or unloading is done. Looking out upon beautiful blue waters and various sea stack formations. Construction has begun outside of this area to create an entrance to the docks that will allow for more docking, loading, jobs, and naval traffic.    The city is run by the Bamorian Council consisting of various officials who govern and lead the districts and guilds. They work in tandem and overlap on various topics or businesses to keep everything fair an honest. While the council also consists of the owners of the city Vandran Aevoridge and Loh Kai they do their part to ensure that the city is led just and honestl, although occasionally things slip through the cracks and must be dealt with. The city has become a large trade capital with most of Shularix bringing in many visitors, tourists, traders, entrepreneurs. But corruption is a thing that is unavoidable, as bandits, thrives, and selfish hungry residents and officials have caused disturbances in one form or another. Bamor has been plagued by a threat that has been led across all of shularix but more recently grown in the Bamorian night life. The Bone Claw Syndicate have begun sinking their claws of mana manipulation into its roots. Blackmailing officials, robbing shipments, and exploiting weak willed individuals to their bidding, but finding their hide outs have proven a challenge for the guards, causing the bounty hunters of The Hunter's Whip to be involved, offering a high price to whomever can turn in one of the groups more sinister individuals.  

Important NPCs

  Vandran Aevoridge - Overseer Loh Kai - Chief Justice Legal - Trixy Valentine (Bounty Hunters) Crafters - Bilgrim Willow (Alchemist…Docterr?) Entertainment - Gerda Oakley (Librarian) Merchantile - Leopold Exander (Fortune Teller)


The Bamor government is ran by a council of six members. Four who govern the different areas of commerce and organization of the city. While Vandran Aevoridge and Loh Kai were the founders of Bamor, they chose to not hold complete control over the entire city in order to adhere to their views on acceptance.  

Current Council Members

Vandran Aevoridge - Master of Guilds / Founder
Loh Kai - Justice / Founder
Bilgrim Willow - Artisan
  • Alchemists, Bowyer, Brewer, Cartographer, Carpenter, Smithy, Mason, Leatherwork, Jeweler

  • Gerda Oakley - Entertainment
  • Theater, Orchestra, Cook, Baker, Artists, Minstrels, Library, Sporting

  • Trixy Valentine - Legal
  • Accountants, Lawyers, Bounty Hunters, Taxer, Sheriff, Guardsman

  • Leopold Exander - Merchantile
    - Traders, Innkeeper, Fisherman, Heralds

    Former Council Members

    Kur'Tezan Dillione - Legal - Arrested for aiding the Bone Claw Syndicate / Killed shortly after being imprisoned


    Bamor was founded during the aftermath of the Draconis War. Originally the location was a Hassien city whose inhabitants had long abandoned the location. Those who resided in the location of Traverse Crossing were given the opportunity to grow within the new city as all residents were moved to this new location to provide more ample room for growth and a desire to all be accepted.
    Alternative Name(s)
    The City of Acceptance, The Guild City
    Location under
    Owning Organization
    Characters in Location