Lillian Devine

Lillian Luciana Devine (a.k.a. The Storm Queen)

Physical Description

Body Features

Lillian has a very attractive, lean, and athletic hourglass figure. She stands at 5'8 and weighs only 125 lbs. Her years of training with the Knights of Devine and hunting has given her the acrobatic figure that she possesses. She is in great shape and often is the last to get winded compared to others.

Facial Features

She is always wearing a brightened and features a pierced septum and twin hoop earrings on both ears. Bright cerulean eyes glisten like a beautiful evening sky that anyone could become lost in.

Special abilities



Lillian, like her father, has control over storm and weather based magic. She can conjure a storm from nothing, send jolts of lightning from her hands, or enhance the strength of the wind while sailing. Though she possesses great untapped potential with her magic, she tends to shy away from fully harnassing it except in times of great overwhelming stress. Lillian has the potential to use healing capabilities often seen in Knights Of Devine, although hers is combined with her red lightning in addition to the white mana. These abilities even when used sparingly tend to leave jolts within the recieving body, often tickling them as the magic flows through them.


Lillian possesses a great magical capability that few have understanding of. It takes the form of a golden colored mana. Little is known of its capabilities but her father believes it to be the full potential she keeps locked away within herself. The only known use she has had was in healing Firona Tailor when she was hit by a combined blast of mana from the entire Devine family, effectively bringing her back from death and gave her the use of a limited mana abilities.

Specialized Equipment

Her bow Tempest is made of Zarsgold and wood, the Zarsgold has taken on a black and red color scheme and inherits latent lightning capabilities. When in bow form the string is absent and instead gives off a streak of lightning between both ends, when firing a bow, she may conjure a bow made of reddened lightning. The other forms the bow takes on includes a harp and rapier. She also carries a special dagger that holds the symbol of her father's company in honor of him and what she believes in, though she tends to keep this hidden so her brother Jaxon Devine does not see it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

During Lillian's childhood she was always ambitious and admired her elder sister, Rachiel Devine , and her father, Arlo Devine, for their courage in being Knights Of Devine. It was something from a young age that she too sought to become, as she grew into a woman she came to the realization that she could not become the Knight that she had always dreamed of being and instead chose to aid in her brother's venture to find a place within the world where they would be accepted.   During her childhood she idolized her sister, Rachiel Devine, more than anyone else. Seeing her as the closest thing to her mother, Lucy Devine, and wanting to always make her the most proud. But, she was a daddy's girl and always found a way to be at the feet of Arlo Devine, showing him a new piece of artwork she had crafted, or musical piece she had composed.   But Jaxon Devine held the closest bond with her, as they shared a similar appearance and were among the only ones of their kind. They always stood together and held each other's backs, only on very rare occasions would one of them hide anything from the other. And when they did, it often led to a moment of guilt.


She was raised by the Knights Of Devine and her father Arlo Devine. Who embedded in her knowledge of the world, as well as training to withstand their own in the world.


A bounty hunter for The Hunter's Whip alongside her brother Jaxon Devine operating as the group The Shadow Stalkers.

Accomplishments & Achievements

When she was sixteen she took down a magically altered Elk with only one shot and a sure shot precision, thanks to the tutelage of her archery mentor Rivin Saintcloud. She is also a skilled painter and musician and while she has not officially sold any of her artwork or musical pieces she has had many requests for a specific commission from her.

Mental Trauma

The hardest times in her life is when she feels insecure and unable to control the raging storm that exists within her heart. Always fearing what trouble it may bring and refusing to use more than a touch of her mana.

Intellectual Characteristics

While Lillian is very smart, her bubbly, bouncy, and impulsive personality often causes her to leap into situations. Causing her brother Jaxon to intervene and protect her.

Morality & Philosophy

Lillian has the mindset of a hopeful Knight, but lacks the official title to be as big of a figure as she would like. She prefers to avoid killing where she can and instead spare someone if givin the opportunity, opposite of her brother's views.

Personality Characteristics


Lillian is motivated by her own sense of righteousness. She blends the beliefs of the Knights of Devine with her own moral code, attempting to bring hope and joy to the world in her search for acceptance.

Vices & Personality flaws

Lillian's biggest flaw is jumping headfirst into a situation without considering the consequences. She will often walk headfirst into a trap or bad situation before realized what she had done.


Family Ties


A contagious smile, and playfully cheerful voice. Lillian is hardly seen without a smile on her face or bouncing around any and every room. She is very expressive often speaking with her hands or gracefully moving around while she speaks. When she gets nervous or truly furious the smile fades, and she tightly grips her arms. Something she has learned to do to fight back what she believes to be a darkness inside of her own heart. Tapping of her foot or fingers is a sign she is thinking or angered.

Hobbies & Pets

Nyxx the Axilim is her faithful companion that has been by her side her entire life. Dependable, fierce, but also with a very laid back but playful attitude when not in a threatful situation.   Lillian is a natural musician and painter. Much of her childhood was spent learning a new instrument, painting a new piece of artwork, or tending to the gardens of Gracefell.


Alistair Cade


Towards Lillian Devine


Lillian Devine


Towards Alistair Cade


Current Location
Date of Birth
28th Day of Month 11
Year of Birth
830 N.E. 21 Years old
Alistair Cade (Husband)
Current Residence
Cerulean Blue
White Long, Curly, and tinted red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Scarlet Red
Known Languages
Lillian speaks common Shularin, Elfarish, and small amounts of Dwarvengr and Gnomish.

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