The High Republic of Penumbra Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The High Republic of Penumbra

The High Republic

The High Republic of Penumbra is a republic on the Island of Jøvikka. The capital of the Republic of Penumbra is Djinn. Their national animal is the pigeon. The citizens of Penumbra are the Puns. The High Republic of Penumbra is a democratic republic. The titles of their sovereign include High President of the Puns, Leader of Penumbra, Speaker of the Realm and Head of the Pigeons. Their current sovereign is the High President Donna Hoefsloot.

The Flag

The Flag of Penumbra consists of a predominantly red field over which flies a dove, or white pigeon as the national animal. The red was chosen as the colour of the rebellion against the monarchy of the Kingdom of the Wasrawi and stuck ever since. The gold along the top edge stands for the four great virtues of the republic; freedom, brotherhood, peace and innovation.
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
Republic of Penumbra
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Palace economy
Jorvik Pennies


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