The Duchy of Frankia Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Duchy of Frankia

The Duchy

The Duchy of Frankia is a duchy in the delta of the Na’zon. The capital of the Duchy of Frankia is Breichville. Their national animal is the rooster. The citizens of Frankia are the Anabhi. The ruling dynasty of Frankia are the Ulfson. Their titles include Duke of Frankia, Lord of Breichville, Hammer of Venasahn and Son of Ulf. Their current sovereign is the Duke Harjon I Ulfson.

The Flag

The flag of the Duchy of Frankia is a plain purple field. It displays the unity of the people, and the divine right to rule as descendants of the Empire of Sylvir.
Geopolitical, Duchy
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Sylvirian Folli

  • 1 KA

    30 Apryl

    Criminal Activity

    On the 30th of Apryl bandits sprung up in the county of Orlennais. They ransacked the town and looted it for gold.
    Our gracious duke, Harjon I Ulfson, decided to wait out the storm.

  • 2 KA

    26 Janvier

    Financial Event

    Over the past months we've received several reports of corruption within your government in the county of Porte d'Sud. We thought we could keep it quiet but yesterday, the 25th of Janvier, several peasants arrived demanding you take action.
    Our esteemed duke, Harjon I Ulfson, executed these traitors to his government.


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