The Righteous Principality of Molair Organization in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Righteous Principality of Molair

The Righteous Principality

The Righteous Principality of Molair is a principality in the Na’zon river delta. The capital of the Principality of Molair is Lucius. Their national animal is the mole. The citizens of Molair are Molairi. The ruling dynasty of Molair are the Mol. Their titles include Prince of Molair, Lord of Lucius, Head of the Mole and Leader of the Molairi. Their current sovereign is the Princess Sophie I Mol.

The Flag

The flag of Molair depicts the Holy Mole of Molair. The white and yellow rays depict its holy light and the brown its mound. The red borders on either side depict the blood of the martyrs and those who sacrificed themselves for the Holy Mole.
Geopolitical, Principality
Alternative Names
Principality of Molair
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Iron Folli


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