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Longshadows is a human male Kai Lord. His Kai disciplines centered around Telepathy Discipline , but shortly after graduating from the monastery, he focused on more martial pursuits.   He was active in The Circle for the entirety of its existence.  Following his activity in The Circle , he decided to return back to the Kai Monastery  in Sommerlund .

After serving there for a short time, he was assigned to a Macsen Keep , a western border fort in Sommerlund . His service there has been exemplary, though he knows his assignment is a mild punishment for teaching his sister about Telepathy Discipline .

Physical Description

Body Features

Longshadows is exceptionally tall and lanky. It helped lead to his namesake before graduating from the Kai Monastery.

Special abilities

In his time at the Kai Monastery , Longshadows was known as a prodigy in the use of Telepathy Discipline . After he left, he leaned toward more martial pursuits but retains his incredible psionic talents. Longshadows has exhibited the following telepathic powers.
  • A mental attack delivering 4d6 stun damange
  • A mental attack delivering 1d6 killing damage
  • A telepathic Mind Scan of 10d6
  • A telepathic Mind Control of 7d6
  • A mental sense capable of detecting the use of mental manipulations

Specialized Equipment

Longshadows carries a magical longsword that he took from the treacherous guard captain of Rhem in MS 5082. It has the following properties.
  • It confers a +1 to OCV
  • It has one additional damage class, +1 DC
  • It confers one additional melee combat skill level when used
ex-Player Character
Played by Josh Anderson
Current Location
Year of Birth
5060 MS 37 Years old
Light Blue
Short Reddish Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruddy Complexion
6' 4"
220 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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