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Vonotar (a.k.a. the Traitor)

Vonotar, also known as Vonotar the Traitor, is a wizard who was originally a member of the Magician's Guild of Toran . He betrayed Sommerlund to the Darklord Zagarna in a bid for magical power.

Vonotar was askilled master of Left Handed Magic and had a journyeman's level of ability with Right Handed Magic. As a young man he mastered magic in an effort to distinquish himself and make up for his own self-perceived inadequacies.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Vonotar is a shorter man with an intense curvature to his spine, leading to a hunched back. It severely inhibits his ability to move quickly and exert physical strength.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was a master of the Left Handed Magic , but he advocated the idea of using Right Handed Magic to increase the power Sommerlund .

Generating some support, but unable to sway the Guild as a whole, he set out to ally himself with the Darklords. He sought out Zagarna and his Nadziranim and, in exchange for their magic, told them about the Feast of Fehmarn. Armed with this knowledge, Zagarna razed Toran , massacred the Kai Lords , and besieged all of Sommerlund . Vonotar's new powers were almost god-like because of his knowledge of Left Handed Magic and the accumulation of Right Handed Magic artifacts. This would prove to be Vonotar's high point as he and Zagarna were poised to conquer all of Magnamund.

  During the subsequent siege of Holmgard , Vonotar was put in charge of watching the seas to make sure Durenor didn't send help by that route. Using his newly gained dark powers, he took control of sunken battleships and their crews, which became known collectively as the "death-hulks."

  After Lone Wolf returned to break the siege at Holmgard , Vonotar broke with the Darklords. He returned to Toran to adbuct Loi-Kymar and his Guildstaff, which had the power to teleport the user across great distances. Using this power, he fled to the icy wastes of Kalte .

  There he became the personal advisor and sorceror of the Brumalmarc, lord of the Reghed Tribes of Kalte . Vonotar sapped the ruler of his mental and physical strength and eventually killed him, setting himself as lord controlling the Barbarians through magical collars and bracelets that forced them to obey him without question. Hiding in the massive ice fortress of Ikaya, the Ice Fortress , he plotted his next move.

  Though he believed himself safe in his new fortress. Lone Wolf along with several guides, was dispatched on an expedition to execute The Capture of Vonotar the Traitor  . This expedition proved successful, and Lone Wolf brought him back to Sommerlund where, for his crimes, he was banished through a Shadow Gate to the Plane of Daziarn, a place where no one had ever returned from.

Later, Lone Wolf discovered that Vonotar had established himself as a lord in the Daziarn.  Vonotar attempted to revenge himself upon the Kai Lord with a band of cohorts. In the end, Lone Wolf slew him with the Sommerswerd , over twenty years after they had first clashed.
5001 MS 5070 MS 69 years old
Circumstances of Death
Slain by Lone Wolf
Place of Death
Daziarn Plane
Blue, squinty
Short grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Caucasian, deeply wrinkled
5' 6" with a curve to his spine
145 lbs


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