Asmund the Bear-wolf Character in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Asmund the Bear-wolf

Asmund the Bear-wolf

Asmund, son of none, also known as Asmund the Bear-wolf, is a heroic figure in the history of Buskagar.


Asmund, son of none, was an orphaned acolyte of Buskagar’s Sect of the Cult of Thór and went on three successful raids to Telemark after reaching manhood and was known to be good friends with Ragi Erikson, Helga Björndotr, and was well regarded by the priests of the Cult of Thór, including its High Priest Torbjörn Thorfinnson and his son Thurmond.   After going on a handful of successful raids, Asmund retired from viking and commited himself to being simply a member of the town's watch. According to Helga, he did this in order to learn what it means to be a "true warrior," something he did not expound upon.
Main Article: Asmund and the Drake
In the summer of his 25th year, Asmund encountered a large red Drake heading toward the township of Buskagar. He and the beast managed to kill one another in single combat; Asmund being taken by the beast in its jaws and then striking the beast through its eye with his shattered sword's hilt. They died embracing one another.
When Jarl Asger Jorikson learned of Asmund's deed, he commisioned a massive Totem be carved in his likeness and erected in the town's square, made from a massive Spruce Tree felled from Dovrefjell Forest. Asger then dedicated a Snekkja from his fleet to be used in Asmund burial. Asmund was buried in a mound along with all of his posessions, save for his shattered sword hilt, which is intered in Buskagar’s Temple of Thór as per the request of those who knew him.   20 years after his death, he is still remembered by the people of Buskagar and hailed as a town hero. He is especially celebrated by Gunnar Thorson, who regards the Bear-wolf's death as height of heroism.   At the wedding reception of Ulfjolt Ragison and Haleth Therendotr Helga lightly questioned Asmund Naivarason over the oddity of an Elf bearing the name of an Astari. She recounts the story of her late friend's death, only for Asmund to deny any knowledge of the tale.
Current Status
Asmund's shattered hilt.


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