Jameson's Square Building / Landmark in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Jameson's Square

A large expansive marketplace with goods from all across Golarion. Jameson has used the wealth he accumulated from being the first merchant in Sunreach and riding the growth of the city to make massive amounts of money. He has since expanded his store and has created a guild for merchants underneath him to sell within his marketplace. Most commerce in the capitol city Jameson has a hand in making him the most powerful merchant in Sunreach.

Purpose / Function

Jameson's Square does exactly as the name entails. The marketplace sells goods from both Sunreach and most other places in Golarion. Jameson brings in goods to sell from foreign merchants and even has a hand in determining which foreign merchants can sell goods in Sunreach and the tariff level that should be in place. He doesn't have full control, but his input is invaluable. The marketplace is also the location from which goods exported from Sunreach are sent from. The marketplace has several carts and river boats that can make their way mostly to the Redlands or Mossport, but with the help of the University of the Sun they will occasionally send merchants even to the Magocracy or the Empire of Kalesh.


Jameson's square is a collection of both merchant stalls and established storefronts. There are a large number of foreign merchants and merchants who make their way from the frontier province who only come in occasionally and as such there is a large open space for merchants to set up temporary stalls. There are several permanent stores, such as Jameson's Shop, in the square as well who all are required to be apart of Jameson's merchant guild in order to establish a shop there. Most of the shops are basic wooden structures, but there are a few stone buildings.
Market square
Parent Location


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