Kata'Sol Building / Landmark in Marhalla | World Anvil
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The castle of the Sentinels of the Blazing Sun. It is the centerpiece of the capitol city of Sunreach suspended over the confluence of the three rivers. It is an impressive and majestic castle with the only way to get to via crystalline stairs that lead up to the castle. The stairs are made of crystalline slabs suspended by immovable rods. The crystal materials are extremely resistant to erosion from weather and other such wear and tear.

Purpose / Function

The castle is used as a mansion for the Sentinels of the Blazing Sun. The castle is well protected by Primus Mechanatus and is an impressive sight appearing as if it is floating above the water. The castle is also a center of worship and the outer courtyard has a temple. Many citizens are allowed in, but monitored closely making sure they don't make their way further into the castle.


Before Kata'Sol was built the keep the sentinels lived in was sitting on the highest hill on the south bank of the three rivers. When Kata'Sol was built the original keep was ripped from the earth and integrated into the current building that is Kata'Sol. The keep that is integrated into the Castle is the only location that citizens are allowed to enter without further permission almost like a museum to the beginnings of Sunreach and how far they've come in such a short period of time.


The Castle is built using a large amount of white marble that gleams in the Sunlight. The building is created using architecturally techniques from the Redlands using sharp angular formations with round towers on the four corners. The building is extensive even though the ground it was built on needed to be made to float above the ground. The castle is imposing, but the white stone makes it seem inviting to those who live in the city. Many worshipers who don't want to make their way to the Pillar of Dawn instead worship at the temple in the former keep that was ripped out of the ground.
Alternative Names
Sun's Rest
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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