Vox Deus Military Formation in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Vox Deus

The Highest rank of Holy caster in the Sunreach Military, the Vox Deus is a powerful healer, diviner, and summoner, able to call upon powerful outsiders to aid him and his allies in battle. The Vox Deus must complete a year long personal apprenticeship under Father Samuel in order to achieve the office.



Vox Deus being the highest ranking member within the Adherents is the most difficult to achieve. Only the most pious and devout can earn the favor of the gods to achieve such power. Father Samuel is in charge of the Vox Deus and is the final arbiter of who can become a Vox Deus choosing the cream of the crop. During the battle of Myzorock the surviving Battle Clerics became Prima Vox Deus and take charge in matters when Samuel is unavailable. Currently there are 18 Prima Vox Deus and about double that amount of Vox Deus.


Vox Deus are well equipped given a variety of magical equipment to increase their connection to their god. They are given a bevy of ways to heal and enhance their allies as well as creating the most powerful potions produced by in the Pillar of Dawn. Prima Vox Deus are the best healers in Sunreach and are very elite across all of Marhalla.


Vox Deus are not equipped exclusively for war, but they are given potent Morningstars of disruption to help deal with the undead threats that come from Morethor.


Prima Vox Deus are at the head of the Adherents of the Dawn only beneath Father Samuel and the founder Lucius Macedonicus. They are responsible for organizing the Sanctus Meditae and training Capsarii to be sent to the legions. They also are in charge of the production of the potions produced in the Pillar of Dawn ensuring a supply can be provided to any organization in Sunreach that needs them as well as enough to sell in the markets.


In Battle Vox Deus are to remain in the rear or at least behind several lines of legionnaires and are responsible for healing the wounded. Their healing magic is so potent in fact that if they get to a dead legionnaire quick enough they are able to revive them using simple cure wounds spells. If the fight reaches them they are capable of summoning powerful good outsiders to help them in battle. Should that fail they are semi-competent with their morningstar able to destroy undead with relative ease.


Vox Deus go mostly through religious and healing education learning about the gods as well as the proper spells to be used on wounded or dying people. They aren't required to go through intense physical training like the military wing of the adherents, but have to double down on being proper servants to the gods. They are very learned in the ways of the gods and their teachings knowing their will and how best to enact it.


Logistical Support

Vox Deus are the suppliers of magical potions and scrolls to be sent to the legions. As such they have their own stockpiles they can easily take from getting whatever they need to accomplish their task. That with the help of Sanctus Meditae who can create food using their divine strength they are always well-supplied and prepared to take on a variety of threats and problems.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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