Dis Geographic Location in Materia | World Anvil
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Dis is the second of the Nine Hells. It is primarily known for the gigantic and disorienting Iron City of Dis, the home of Archduke Dispater and his right hand Duke Titivilus. The city seemingly stretches the length of the plane of Dis, and is reportedly impossible to leave without a portal to another plane. It is extremely easy to get lost in, as many of its metal and glass buildings look deceptively similar.   If a creature that enters the city lacks heat resistance or the blessing of an infernal master, they are soon likely to die from its ambient inhospitality. Without magical interference, the ambient temperature of Dis can reach as high as 150°F (70°C). A blanket ban on teleportation magic within the inner section of the city is enforced by Dispater, forcing many lower-ranking devils to travel long distances through the city to work.  

Notable Locations

Dispater's Tower is the tallest building in the city, and is the seat of power of Archduke Dispater and Duke Titivilus. Its upper floors are completely unknown to those outside of the pinnacle of the Devil hierarchy, and houses Dispater's personal residence.   Bitru's Bazaar is an interplanar market run by Duke Bitru, specialized in the catch-all sale of exotic goods, souls, and contracts for desirable Apostles. It is also notable for being a primary auction house for the possessions and Apostles of devils who have been destroyed.   Lilith's Garden is a lush plaza filled with exotic plants and specimens on the shore of the river Styx. Within it, the 666A art exhibit is a famous exhibition of more than 600 valuable mortal souls, said to each contain a fascinating story in their memories, which are free to peruse. The garden is a passion project of Countess Lilith, who tends to the garden and regularly updates its exhibit.
Alternative Name(s)
Iron City of Dis
Dimensional plane
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