Nine Hells Geographic Location in Materia | World Anvil
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Nine Hells

The Nine Hells or Yomi are a set of dimensional planes home to all Devils. They are part of the outer planes, and are rarely traversed by the living. Almost all devils are deceased mortals, with the exception of an old few such as Asmodeus and Dispater.  


Name Archdevil Dukes and Duchesses
Avernus Zariel Bel, Amduscias, Malphas, Baalzebul, Abigor
Dis Dispater Titivilus, Bitru, Arioch, Biffant, Merodach, Alocer
Minauros Mammon Glwa, Bael, Focalor, Melchon, Caarcrinolaas
Phlegethos Yoru Chamo, Balan, Akui, Angu, Adonides
Stygia Revna Levistus, Agares, Machalas
Malbolge Glasya Tartach, Geryon, Fierna, Belial, Mephistopheles, Gaziel
Maladomini Maxence Baftis, Neabaz, Barbatos, Mireille
Cania Octavius Baalphegor, Hutijin, Bele, Cassia, Bathym
Nessus Asmodeus Adramalech, Phongor, Bune, Morax, Rimmon

Infernal Hierarchy

Alternative Name(s)
Yomi, Sheol, Tartarus, Inferno, Baator
Dimensional plane
Included Locations
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Inhabiting Species

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