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Materia 38: "Truth Unwinding"

General Summary

Arriving for dinner at the Starlight palace in Ishllond, the party and Jun are introduced to the Solite court. The party meets Aiwin's spymaster Tyni Thedan and his mother Vhoori Thedan, but is unable to get a strong read on them. After discussing the future of the war with the mute Pasha Talan Thedan and his wife Mushir Ella Thedan, all present come to a consensus that the ongoing Solite military losses are unsustainable and that Aiwin Thedan should be replaced.   Serdar Khatar Thedan and his wife Eldra Thedan bring Viseri's aptitude into question, with Khatar citing his superior military expereince and open attitute toward the Shou, suggesting that unity behind Viseri will not matter if his expereince proves too little to rule; Viseri counters by revealing that Myriell is an Anzai and that he intends to marry her to enforce a royal marriage with the Shou Empire. Viseri suggests a duel between him and Khatar, likely using selected champions, seems imminent.   In private, Myriell presses Hanako to get Kazuyuki to legitimize her to secure the value of a potential marriage, a move which would make her heir to the Shou throne. After dinner, Mari and Jun follow Viseri's directions to begin the process to opening a magic circle to the Shou Empire. Yvri and Hanako bargin with Talan and Ella behind closed doors, presenting a charitable peace offer to them in exchange for their support of Viseri. Tentatively agreeing, Talan points out dark rumors that have been coming from their neighboring Prijka.


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