Materia 31: "Sora's Comet, Part II" Report in Materia | World Anvil
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Materia 31: "Sora's Comet, Part II"

General Summary

With the party seeking a fragment of Titivilus' true name, the party enters the archive of Lilith. Within it is the soul of Brutus Octavia, former emperor of the Ascalon Empire preceeding the Redscale Rebellion, and Cardinal Sinner of Sloth. After collecting the soul, the party battles with a number of guards of Lilith's archives, eventually collecting the fragment of Titivilus' name.   Narrowly escaping the Nine Hells, the party is banished back to Materia and travels straight for Narasaki, nearby which a decisive battle is being fought between Shou and Regnan troops. Making a pact with Graz'zt, Sanctity is freed and the battle is flipped into their favor. With the comet overhead and magical power at its peak, the party notices Apostles Medora and Nazar, as well as another devil.
Report Date
22 May 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Session
Hanako 18: "Konomi"


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