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Sakogawa is a fortified island city and military base that marks the western border of the Shou Empire. Sakogawa is ruled by the Fujiwara Dynasty, and has long been the Fujiwara's ancestral homeland since it was conquered during the Shou-Elvish Wars. Its current lord is Hanzo Fujiwara. Sakogawa's defensible nature has allowed the Fujiwara Dynasty to survive in times of significant familial and political strife, giving the house of the Phoenix sufficient time to "rise from the ashes" to prominence once again.


Sakogawa is most famous for its heavy fortifications and large castle, constructed primarily of stone and built into the mountains of the island. Additionally, it is known for housing the Shou Empire's most secure vaults, treasuries, and dungeons, built deep into the island's mountains. Many mines dug on the island have provided the Fujiwara Dynasty with a constant income of mineral wealth.   Over time, a port city developed in the shadow of the Fujiwara fortress, eventually becoming a relatively common layover destination for traders and adventurers destined for Teikyou or the Three Kingdoms.
Founding Date
3000 B.A.
Military, Base
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Related Reports (Primary)


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