Material plane 36 Founding the Kingdom of Lazar
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Founding the Kingdom of Lazar



The Celestial envoy of Angels and Heros from Boccab, Obad-Hai, Pelor, and Hieronious work with the devout and harmonious people of the Upper Serene Basin to build The Celestial City, unify the surrounding area,and spread their good will far and wide.

After constructing some of the largest temples and following in the teachings and direction of their Gods, The people of the upper Serene Basin were visited by a party of Angels and divine Heros from their most worshiped gods. The Celestials as they became known as worked with the people to expedite their advancement and help spread their good will. One Angel, Lazar, stayed with the people, upon their request, to rule as their monarch.

Related Location
The Celestial City
Related timelines & articles
History of Lazar (article)
History of the World