Material plane 36 History of the World Timeline
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History of the World

The Master Timeline for Parallel Universe 36.

The First Age (FrA)

0 2155

The First Age of Existence - The Age of Gods - The Age of Good and Evil

  • 0 FrA

    The Birth of Reality
    Era beginning/end

    The multi-verse is created from the life force of The Overgod. The First Children of The Overgod, the Gods, are born.

  • 111 FrA


    Birth of the Second Children of The Overgod
    Life, Birth

    The Second Children of The Overgod, Mortals, start to appear in the world.

  • 538 FrA

    Founding the Kingdom of Lazar

    The Celestial envoy of Angels and Heros from Boccab, Obad-Hai, Pelor, and Hieronious work with the devout and harmonious people of the Upper Serene Basin to build The Celestial City, unify the surrounding area,and spread their good will far and wide.

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  • 539 FrA

    1337 FrA

    Bright Years

    The rise of the Kingdom of Lazar from a single city to covering the entire Serene Basin. The Celestial Bloodline of Lazar was kept strong, and peace and prosperity were the norm.

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  • 1254 FrA

    8 /9

    Breaking ground on The Mirthal Hall

    The first digging in the mine that would become The Mithral Hall started.

    The Mithral Hall
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    The Mithral Hall
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  • 1338 FrA

    1782 FrA


    The now long distant memory of The Celestials is forgotten and mortal imperfection dilutes the Bloodline of Lazar , diminishing its magical and divine properties.

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  • 1440 FrA

    21 /8

    The Planting of Lindorne
    Life, Birth

    A World Tree seed is brought to a dense forest in a sparsely populated peninsula to breath life into the area.

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  • 1440 FrA

    22 /8
    1540 FrA

    22 /8

    Singing the Aria of Lindrone
    Construction beginning/end

    The wood elves of The World Tree Forest sing to grow their plants. An epic 100 year song was sung by thousands of wood elves to raise the newest World Tree.

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  • 1466 FrA


    The Founding of Sharn (Mak'Rok)

    The goblins of The Hilt started construction on their capital city, Mak'Rok. Their oppressive architecture unknowingly set the perfect foundation for the towers of Sharn, the Breland capital that would reside on the same land after the Brelish take over the area.

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  • 1745 FrA

    15 /3
    1782 FrA

    22 /5

    The Fall of the Fraternity
    Military action

    The 7 children of King Justiel Lazar the Fifth, growing increasingly jealous and malicious towards each other, break up the Kingdom of Lazar into the Lazahar Principalities over the course of many years of hard fought battle.

    Serene Basin
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    Fall of the Fraternity
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  • 1790 FrA

    26 /10

    Episodes in Adventure!

    The events of Episodes in Adventure against Ravenlord take place in this time in the Serene Basin.

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  • 2155 FrA

    The Turning of The Age
    Era beginning/end

The Second Age (SeA)

2156 and beyond

The Second Age of Existence - The Age of Mortals - The Grey Age