Material plane 36 The Fall of the Fraternity
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The Fall of the Fraternity

Military action


The 7 children of King Justiel Lazar the Fifth, growing increasingly jealous and malicious towards each other, break up the Kingdom of Lazar into the Lazahar Principalities over the course of many years of hard fought battle.

King Justiel Lazar the Fifth is assassinated in early 1745 FrA in the prime of his reign. His children, many from different mothers but who all resemble their mothers race - a special Bloodline of Lazar trait, begin to fight for power. This uncharacteristic divide between heirs to the Lazar Throne, a prophecy that was said to signals the beginning on the end of the Age, grew to enough tension that fighting broke out and destruction was brought upon the kingdom.   Of the 7 siblings, 6 made it through the conflict. During the times of the Lazahar Principalities , fighting regarding the Fall has ended and the city states, one for each surviving sibling, that arose from destruction each operating independently, connected by a shared past.

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Serene Basin
Related timelines & articles
History of Lazar (article)
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