Mt. Valkynev Geographic Location in Meintalia | World Anvil
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Mt. Valkynev

Mt. Valkynev is the name given to the volcano found in the Prairie, named for Ilsidar Valkynev who built his keep here. The volcano hasn't erupted since Faramel's Invasion and is likely dormant now, though occassionally black smoke can be seen coming from the peak. Since the earliest recorded history, Mt. Valkynev has been home to a Fire Dragon, the only known elemental dragon to permanantly reside in Meintalia. It is unknown whether the dragon here is the same one that was here thousands of years ago or is a descendant of the original.

Many ancient legends and tales in folklore refer to the volcano as Faramel's Gate, believing it to be the place where Luxum connects with The Abyss and the Demons pass through.

Some rumours even beleieve that Faramel himself resides here, hiding deep in the heart of the mountain, biding his time as he reassambles his vast legion of demons ready to continue his assault on the mortal realms.


The stone making up the volcano is volcanic black rock. It stands tall amidst a sea of ash and blighted land, a jagged spearhead piercing the sky on an otherwise flat region.
Alternative Name(s)
The Black Volcano, Faramel's Gate
Location under


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