Nëvik Settlement in Meintalia | World Anvil
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Emperor Linus II began construction of Nëvik in 816E3 as The Empire began its expansion into Meintalia. The city was finished in 861E3 under rule of Emperor Garrum I. The city is divided into 3 districts: The palace, the inner ring and the outer ring, and the architecture follows the same pattern as the buildings in Enuthia. After the conquering of Meintalia, it became the capitol city of Meintalia, a position it held until 219E4 when Faramel's legion assaulted it during the invasion. Faramel then used it as a stronghold for the duration of his invasion in Luxum. Nëvik is now a ruined waste of a city, home only to the legions of the dead, monsters and beasts.


Very few people travel to Nëvik but it is presumably inhabited by the same creatures that inhabit the surrounding area, meaning undead, goblinoids, Devils, demons and other monstrous creatures.


The city is presumed lawless, unless the legions of monsters and undead somehow uphold a stable government.


The inner wall protects the Royal Ring of the city, nigh impregnable other than the 5 gates that enter it from the main roads. The middle wall that separates the Inner and Outer Ring's is also formiddable, though it has several gated breaches where the canals and footpaths cross. Outside of this, watchtowers were constructed around the perimeter of the city, and an outer wall once stood protecting the area but most of it has fallen into disrepair or been destroyed entirely when Faramel sieged the city.

Industry & Trade

There is no contact between Nëvik and the outside world anymore but before it fell into ruin it got most of it's supplies to feed the populace from the surrounding farmsteads and the main road from Enuthia.


The city is divided into 3 rings: the Royal Ring, the Inner Ring and the Outer Ring. A large palace sits in the centre of the city, taking up the majority of the Royal Ring along with servant quarters, once home to the Empire's royal family. The Inner Ring is home to large buildings that were home to the local nobles and lords, with a wall separating it from the Outer Ring where the lower class citizens lived and the market district was based. There are only five gates into the inner city, all at the end of large main roads that give the city an easy to navigate structure.

Nëvik was the first city in Meintalia to have an underground sewer, a feature that was later implemented into all other major towns and cities in the Passolan Grasslands (see South Passolan Grasslands and North Passolan Grasslands. At the time of it's construction it was the most advanced city in Meintalia with intricate building designs, watermills and an artificial canal/river system.


The city itself holds nothing of particular value anymore other than the valuables belonging to the royal family and various nobles from before Faramel's Invasion, unless they were destroyed when the city fell.


Nëvik was built in 816E3 when Emperor Linus II began expanding The Empire of Passola into Meintalia and finished in 861E3 under rule of Emperor Garrum I. It became the Empire's Capitol in Meintalia during the conquering, withstanding multiple sieges from opposing native armies and eventually housing the peace treaty between the Elven Sovereign Sylvaris Alerium, the High Dwarven Lord Darius Stronghammer, Emperor Caius I, and the six human rulers that governed Ryvern and the Grasslands at that point (Lord Alder Lior of Ryvern, Lord Anthony Basquith of Rainell, Lady Olara Gascon of Hyvin, Lord Griffin Wilmarc of Greenfields, Lady Isabelle Monetta of Cardinoll and Lord Beren Suthe of The Crossroads).

The city remained home to the Empire's royal family until Faramel's Invasion when the city fell in the year 219E4, leading to the death of Emperor Garrum III.


The buildings here are constructed of mostly wood in the outer ring, or a blend of wood and stone with the inner ring being primarily stone with wood accents for decoration. The Royal Ring is constructed of marble imported from Enuthia during the construction to keep with tradition. The walls separating the districts are made of huge stone blocks with thick wooden supports and metal gates over the roads and canals.


Situated near the River Angen, Nëvik sits on a flat prairie that reaches for miles in all directions, once home to rich farmland. Mt. Valkynev is visible to the north of the city.


Alternative Name(s)
Faramel's Throne, The Fallen City, The Ruined Capitol
Large city
21,000 before it fell, currently 0
Location under
Owning Organization


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