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Preomona (Pree-o-Mona)

The third largest and westernmost continent of Mellanvärlden, home of lush forests and countless rivers, Preomona is predominantly a hostile place, for despite its beautiful, paradisiacal beaches, its hellish jungles conceal terrible dangers. 


Preomona stands surrounded by warm waters that come from the south, sweeping around its coast all the way around the continent, given the northern waters and the coast of Människar is dominated by cold boreal masses of air and water.  Nevertheless, Preomona is also scarcely populated, with only three major city-states settled on it. Such thing occurs not only because of the very dangerous fauna and flora, but also because of the effort and gains associated to exploring the land.    Any ship that sails around the continent would only manage to see the same landscape over and over again: beautiful beaches that lead to thick, humid jungles and an ungodly amount of rivers. Few mountains and hills are seen as it's all mostly plains and swampy basins. 


The flora consists mostly of jungle vegetation, with countless poisonous plants, berries, fruit, roots and more, yet there is also a good amount of delicious, sweet and succulent ones, as nearly every form of life found in the continent seems to be exclusive to it. Deep in the jungles live the great horrors of Preomona, gigantic and feral reptiles that can lay waste to entire settlements.


All around the coast, the climate repeats itself: it is both very hot and wet.


Since long, Preomona has been inhabited by a fierce and hardy people with slightly tanned skin, large noses and dark hair; some incredibly militaristic and xenophobic, others very interested in fine art, architecture and philosophy. The three large cities settled along the coast are Argontos, Thespeos and Artacia.    Despite their differences, it is common knowledge that preomonans are not to be triffled with.


  • The Continent of Preomona
    A snip of the map of Mellanvärlden, showing the continent of Preomona, with it's jungles and lush forests.
  • Political Map of Preomona
    A political version, showing the influence of each city-state over the land.
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