Season 4, Turn 12 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 12

Days 16 - 30 of the Sixth Moon, 420 AC

General Summary

Death of a King, Continued

  House Ryswell | Eddy
Treachery! A massive attack by Mormont forces has massacred countless smallfolk in House Tallhart! A genocide is upon us!   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
One cannot call something genocide if one does not even know what it means.   House Magnar | The North | Verus_Dolar
Lady Ryswell must've forgotten that she also attacked Woolfield.

Clash of Kingdoms, Continued

  House Swann | Kingdom of the Andals | PatMagroyn
With a wild roar, the knight’s mace swung hard, obliterating the jaw of a boy barely grown. Shards of bone sent splintering a thousand ways. The action alone surely elicited a visceral response from any nearby. And with another wild swing, he then brought his weapon back about, caving in the back of a Dornish helm with a sickening crunch. Like a beast possessed, he did not hesitate once in his brutal advance through their lines.   Lord Wylde earned the nickname ‘The Maelstrom’ that day, as he carved through the enemy van. Not stopping once in the fray, no matter how many spears found him. The Stormland host he led fell upon the Martell levies marching to Vaegon’s aid without warning. And brutally cast them back out toward Connington lands.   The Dornish lowered their weapons, and alas, their guard, upon seeing what they thought were friendly banners. But hails of arrows quickly dispelled that notion once they came close. As confusion and screams quickly filled their ranks, the ambush from the hills then ensued, fully ensuring the Dornish rout. Waves of screaming antlermen charged and wheeled upon Martell’s fleeing flanks again and again.   Coinciding with the battle’s end, dozens of ravens from Lord Selwyn of House Wensington were received by many of the Great Houses.   “Esteemed members of the Realm. It is with great honor that I am given the privilege to announce my, and the Great Houses of the Stormlands, new sworn fealty to the one true king, King Otho I, and his sister in law, Princess Jaehaera of Dragonstone.   We forsake the claim of the false dragon Vaegon, who turned on his own kin. And we denounce the Essosi witch from afar, that constantly whispered in his ear. With her dark arts dispelled by the Most Devout supporting King Otho I, we need no longer fear her or her foreign ilk, as they have long fled in the face of the Seven’s full might.   With her deposed, the ‘Storm Kingdom’ is henceforth dissolved. And I, Lord Selwyn, alongside my many brothers in arms, come to the aid of King Otho I in his crusade to bring everlasting peace back to his Realm.”   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
Jaehaera watched the courier's horse vanish in the distance. "I thought I would learn how to fight fast and not how to write fast." she muttered. The last weeks had been strenuous for her and her troops. Always facing superior enemies, always marching with few rests. She still hadn't processed how Storm's End had fallen. The siege had just started and no blood had been shed, but a raven had won the city. A bird had bested her!   She entered the Hollow Sanctuary, an old cave under a small hill where sheep herders would find shelter from a storm. She had ordered a priest to place insignia of The Seven into it, so the troops could pray. She entered the cave and knelt. "My whole life I prayed to the warrior. But lately I see more and more signs that this is not the way you intend for me."   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
In the war camp at Blackwater Rush, cheers are so loud they can be heard across the Blackwater.   King Otho Bracken has arrived to end the war. With one eye and a fiery determination, he will see to the final destruction of the Summerhall "Kingdom".   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
In the encampment at The Winch Towers, Vaegon is filled with worry. He knows the war is lost, and yet his offer of surrender has been denied. King Otho would rather have war, and spill more needless blood, rather than end the war when he gets the chance. No true king would ever risk the lives of his soldiers and people for their own pride.   House Orchard | Kingdom of the Andals | Bowler
Soon after Lord Duncan Fossoway’s suicide, a modest cart goes up to Cider Hall. Sitting in the cart next to its driver is “Happy” Herry Orchard, the newly-appointed representative of the New Barrel Local Council. He has tended the New Barrel orchards for many years, as his father did before him and his father before him, many times over. He knows the orchards better than anybody—when he walks down between the trees, he knows by a whiff if a tree’s apples are ripe for the harvest.   Herry had read the will several times over when the steward gathered all the local leaders in the community to discuss it. He still was not the most comfortable reader—he only learned how to read a mere ten years earlier, through the good grace of the late Lord Duncan—so he doubted what he had read, but everyone assured him it was the truth. Lord Duncan, in his infinite generosity, had bequeathed his lands and wealth to the smallfolk under his demesne, the properties of New Barrel, to be managed and maintained by a council specifically delineated within the will and composed of the most highly educated smallfolk. There were several measures inside for contingencies far in the future, but no one paid much mind to that.   In the will, Herry had been named as the so-called “Voice to the World” for this new council. In truth, it was a fanciful name for an envoy, to manage the relationships between the council and the outside world, including pledging fealty to Lord David Fossoway to seek his protection of the experiment before it could be smote in the dust. It was for this purpose that Herry now rode. In theory, he knew that he could have availed himself of Lord Duncan’s nice carriage, but he did not feel comfortable doing that, at least not now, not for this.   Herry also enjoyed the openness of being in a simple farmer’s cart ambling along with a hardy mule leading the way. He waved to old friends as he went along, struck up conversations with men as they worked in the fields, and even stopped to help a farmer get his cart’s wheel out from a ditch. He knew he had to get to Cider Hall, and soon, but he also knew that Lord David could wait another minute or two, surely.   House Allyrion | Kingdom of Summerhall | {N.W.} TheLegend
Ravens arrived at the main Allyrion force near Saltstone this morning, the war had been lost. The King's surrender was not accepted and the imminent ...... conclusion was drawing near. The news brought Lord Allyrion to tears and he spent a good amount of time gathering his thoughts and composure before addressing his men. Standing before them was the hardest thing he had ever done. "Men, the war is lost!" The faces looking back at him showed complete disbelief. This was really tough. "Our King's whereabouts and current situation are unknown to me but ...... it doesn't look good!" Murmurs went through the crowd as the news was passed back to those outside of earshot. "However, Dorne will arise from this loss, I assure you!" There was a half-hearted cheer amongst those up front. It died as quickly as it started.   The weeks to come would be very important in figuring out the future of Dorne and its proud people. He gave one final wave and stepped down. A rider came up to him quickly and whispered into his ear. He headed to the main tent. Bloody hell, his son and daughter were here.   House Uller | Kingdom of Summerhall | {N.W.} Rasche
Harlan Uller receives word of the unaccepted surrender, and King Vaegon's imminent defeat with the King accepting the fate before him and releasing his vassals from their duty to carry on fighting, only to die alongside him needlessly. He shreds the papers and bellows in anger before stomping out to his own men.   “You lot have done your jobs damned well. We've held our ground, men, but the joint counterattack that was promised is not one our allies can fulfill. The King has attempted to surrender, but Bracken has demanded his head instead- King Vaegon has released us from our obligation to decrease the pikes that need heads mounted upon them, and faces his fate solely... Regardless of how any viewed the man, they have to respect that, the tough bastard.” Harlan growls.   “We will parlay with Costayne- he was once a friend to Dorne, and though our duties put us on opposite sides of this fight, I harbor him no ill will. We will ensure that our Dornish brothers are safe, especially Dayne and Martell who have suffered the brunt of the losses in this war. You men have held our homeland safe- now let us work to bring our brothers back as well; that is our victory in the face of the defeat.”   House Fossoway (Red) | Kingdom of Summerhall | Ricky Norris
If you did not know David you would not know anything was wrong. He spends his days working on paperwork and logistics and in the evening after a light meal he stands atop the wall and stares out at the orchards, sometimes for hours. David abhors paperwork. Most of what he does needs to be redone by more deft hands. Dinners at Cider Hall are usually grand things with wine and merriment. When David stands on the wall he does not seem to hear or see the world. You could shake David and you would receive no response and none have been brave enough to move him.   Some men are too great for their station. Maybe as some act of mercy, the gods split one man into two twins. The better pieces to Duncan and the rest to me. Having David as my measure of a good man has left me disappointed with most other supposed good men. Even when we were split the gods must have left too much of the good in Duncan. He was too good, too uncompromising in his ideals. He was too good for this broken world and broken realm. I knew he had died before the letter arrived. I should be headed to New Barrel to settle things, but it is all I can do to remain here to see his will done. I have to be both of us now. I will never measure up to him, and I will disappoint him. It is just me and the whispers now. All I can do is everything I can and hope that is enough. -The personal journal of David Fossoway.

Vengeance of House Pryor, Continued

  House Corbray | Kingdom of the Vale | Prince Nyunyu
Queen Sophie was walking on the corridors of Eyrie, she was accompanied by 2 guards. She climbed some narrow stairs. Until they reached a door. In front of the door there where 3 more guards, and the Queen ordered them to open the door.   The room was decorated with blue tones, the windows were opened and the cold wind of the mountain blew the curtains. 7 guards were inside the room, a part of two that followed the Queen and the 3 outside. The Master was attending their "guest" at his bed.   "How is him?" -Asked the Queen   The master answered- "I'm sure he has been better, but he will be fine... after all it's said wildings are strong, and among the Wildings the Thenns can be considered the wilders"-The Master looked at the the wilding- "No offense"   The Queen moved to see the guest. He was lying down on the bed, and the master had bandaged up his torso, his face swelled up after receiving many hits. His arms were enchained on his back, And his feets were enchained too. "It's clear that there are savages at both sides of the wall.... He needs food and to rest. Once you have ended, Maester, leave the room and let him sleep. This week you will only visit him to trait his wounds, I believe he will get tired of you anyway. I'm going to visit the kitchen to tell them that provide more food to the guest."   The Maester added -"Lemons and honey are said to be good to gain a healthy body my queen"   The Queen thought "Lemons, at the Eyrie, it's gonna be expensive" however she said "I will do my best to provide to our guest what he needs"   Before leaving to the Kitchen the Queen looked at Brittlefang and said: -"I'm sorry to what happened to you, I didn't know."- The Wilding looked at her with some angry eyes and didn't say anything.   She turned to the Master and said- "Don't inform the King about that, he needs to focus on the battlefield, we will tell him later"   The Queen left the room and thought "What's wrong with that Bastard, I knew he was being beaten up, but that was too much, what kind of person would hurt an animal at that level?"   Brittlefang attempts to sit up, before collapsing into a coughing fit. Blood is seen on the back of his wrist and the corner of his mouth as he turns to face the Queen.   “Savage as I may be on the battlefield, I had always offered my enemies the mercy of a quick death. Curse the frigid waters of the bite.”   Brittlefang looks into her eyes. “King Stark will ensure this bastard is brought to justice, and he’ll come for you next. As long as the North has him, we will never fall.”   House Stone | Kingdom of the Vale | Jack Handy
~The morning sun had yet to appear in the sky, as a dense layer of thick fog had made it almost impossible to see more than a few yards around you. Godric Stone, who had just departed from The Eyrie about a week earlier, was stepping off his ship at the port of Castle Pebble , the massive stronghold his father had spent 15 years building. Lord Ækron Baelish had captured the castle only a few days prior in a small battle over it, as most of House Flint's soldiers had already abandoned the island, for what reason was not clear yet. It had been years since Godric had stepped foot on his family home and all he could feel was hatred. Hatred for a father that never loved him. Hatred that he didn't take the castle before the famous Baelish knight. But mostly he hated himself. He always had. Since he was old enough to remember, he was always unhappy, seeking approval but never receiving it   ~But there was no time to wallow in his self pity.. just the thought of it made him feel even more pathetic. He would walk into the Great Hall of Pryor and begin to plan the invasion of the North with Lord Baelish.   As he walked past several smallfolk from House Flint, he eyed a young woman, the miller's daughter. She looked innocent, fair, naive to the evils in this world. Godric instructed one of his soldiers to escort her to the Castle, to bathe and wait for him in his room there. Godric thought to himself, "I wonder if she realizes this will be the last time she sees her family?" His only enjoyment in life is destroying things of beauty and tonight will be no different   House Flint | The North | Anathelius
Lady Flint looked over the tattered map thrown across the table, the Vale had by now occupied the abandoned keep of Pebble, with only a few staying including those that lived their long before the Flints and she hoped long after the Vale, though with reports of how the Vale had been treating prisoners she doubted it. After the defeat of 25,000 Vale troops at Widow's Waters, now truly a fitting name, falling back to the mainland was the only move she could make, and prepare the defenses of the North.   A messenger entered the room, looking up she spied no letters in his hands, only wine. Turning back to the maps she wondered to herself why the Vale had not taken her offer of Pebble for peace. The North has far more resources than the Vale and while they have the upper hand now surely they realize they will be stopped and thrown back.   The people of Lorath marching with the Vale was not something she expected, especially after handing them Braavos on a silver platter. Shrugging to herself she mutters, "The North remembers," and walks out with the wine as her troops round up the maps and prepare to travel south. With a Stark in Winterfell it was only a matter of time before the rest of the North arrived. Looking out over the camp she sighed. "Good men, many who won't see the next summer. Though." She thought, allowing herself a slight smile. "There will be more to see it than in the Vale."   House Baelish | Kingdom of the Vale | nwvr
Lord Ækron Baelish welcomes Godric Stone to his father's keep. A man of few words he allowed his men to rejoice after their long sea voyage silently watching from the head of the hall. In his later years he no longer relished battle nor glory but was glad atleast that the only dead were those on the few ships that capsized in a storm   Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Lorath announces that we have been hired as mercenaries by King Jamie Corbray. The Lorathi Expedition is to be commanded by Lorath's most experienced commander, Senator Illan Bahin "The Leviathan".   Senator Illan Bahin guided his men through the frigid waters of the Shivering Bite. These were familiar waters to many of his sailors. Merchants often traded in Northern ports and the Lorathi Fleet performed anti piracy patrols in absence of the Braavosi war fleets. It was an odd circumstance that Lorath ended up on the side of the Vale. Anti Westerosi sentiments ran deep in the senate, many excluded the North from this hatred. The North typically kept to itself drawing less ire from the citizens of the Republic. Perhaps this was why the Vale won over the Magister? It was unlikely the isolated North would provide much more than trade to Lorath . Befriending the Vale could create a lasting alliance.   The Senators thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of a scouting report. If it was to be believed this would be a long war.

A New Blessing

  House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Orion
A royal announcement from The Maidenvault has flown. Several ravens have been sent across the realm. The Queen is with child. The maidens say that they believe it is a boy! Hooray!   House Stone | Kingdom of the Vale | Jack Handy
Congratulations   House Piper | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Blader
Praise the divine Seven!


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