Ræva Ryswell Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Ræva Ryswell

Lady of the Rills Ræva Ryswell (a.k.a. Little One)


At the age of 7, Ræva was forced to leave her home in the North after her family was exiled by Queen Visenya. The stress of the situation caused her mother to become very ill on the journey East and she watched her die in route to Braavos. For 2 years, she found peace, with her Father, Edward, who was working for the Iron Bank. But this was also cut short, after Richard Pryor's invasion of Braavos. One night, her and her father, with the help of several loyal knights, stole a fortune from the bank as the city fell and ran farther east, to the edge of the Dothraki Sea. There she spent 10 years surviving with her father. Then the chance to return home was granted. Now, in the wake of her father's death, she rules House Ryswell.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
  • Father: Edward Ryswell
  • Bastard Son: Rævor Snow (born 417)
House Sigil

The Chase Goes On
Date of Death
2nd Fortnight of the Seventh Moon
399 AC 420 AC 21 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed at sea in the battle against House Mormont


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