Season 4, Turn 10 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 10

Days 16 - 30 of the Fifth Moon, 420 AC

General Summary

Fleet of Pentos Dispute, Continued

  Free City of Myr | Scotland's BEST
Pentos, despite the ceasefire you attacked and it did you no good. I cannot trust that you have entered these peace negotiations in good faith, if anything it seems you have entered them out of convenience because you attack when you have a seeming advantage and ask for peace when you do not. You have not demonstrated any willingness to sacrifice your personal ambitions for the greater interests of Essos.   Free City of Lys | Coenquistatore
Such senseless bloodshed. Rage cannot guide politics, as it can only bring one's demise. Please refrain from further conflict, brothers.   Free City of Pentos | ~TSK~ SteenB11
Myr, it is clear you care little for politics. You care little to talk and discuss. I had informed you of our intentions and yet here you are acting as a military genius akin to King Otho Bracken I.   A joke surely? That you have outperformed men whose orders you knew. Only a snake would have done as you did. On lands that were stolen from you with devious means.   I shall see you at the council, where the world will soon see you as you are.   Free City of Lorath | Sentry
It didn't take long to fill the ranks of the Lorathi National Army. The core of the army was made up of Lorath's City Watch. The Watch was already an semi professional unit, never tested in a true battle but already well drilled in the use of crossbows and swords. As true with any Essosi army, already employed sellswords provided officers, drill sergeants, and veteran light infantry. The bulk of the new force were formed by poorly equipped militia hailing from rainy cliffs of the Lorathi Mainland. The Senate had outfitted the militia with pikes and proper clothing. The "National Army" resembled the poorly equipped levies of Westeros and lacked the calvary to support them. However the fact that the men were paid wages for their service it was hoped that the army would one day become a respected fighting force.

Clash of Kingdoms, Continued

  House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
It is deeply unfortunate that Lord Caswell perished in honourable warfare against the forces of King Vaegon. He will be remembered as a man of honour, competent in his position and loyal in his service to both myself and Lord Costayne.   The Crown will take measures to ensure that Lord Caswell's former lands do not collapse into chaos. It is undeniable that Lord Caswell's death is a setback for my cause.   Not too large of one, though. One way or another, the false dragon is doomed. Should he wish to perish in the Kingswood, then it shall be so.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Please, my King, tell me it is not so. My inlaws perished? Have the bodies been found so they may be laid to rest properly?   I ask Summerhall to surrender. Not for himself, but those who are dying supporting him. It is clear now, if it wasn't before, that my king has won. Prolonging the war further just causes deeper grudges and innocent civilians to suffer needlessly. So I beg of Summerhall to lay down arms and beg mercy of my king.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
20.000 new wildlings appeared in Storm's End . Nobody knows how they made it here from the North but me. It's so clear: it's Essosi magic.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
News arrived that Ser Davos of Dayne continued to refuse surrender, instead ordering the deployment of another small force to bolster his maimed army at The Glade. But it proved fruitless as his men were overwhelmed and killed. Less than 150 men survive in the area and those that remain are about to die. Armstead turns his attention to House Uller fully having cut off the 16k vanguard at The Elbow. Armstead knows another 44k force marches not far behind and so moves men on to position to block off or kill those who will not yield. Offers of peace can still be merciful for now but soon the price of peace will rise with each widowed wife Armstead must send a letter to of their husband’s ultimate sacrifice.   Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
Noble Lords and Ladies, Believers of the Seven,   In the symphony of life, war's discordant notes shatter the harmony of our existence. As leaves fall in autumn, so do our valiant sons and daughters on the battlefield. Their sacrifice paints the ground with hues of sorrow, and the song of mourning echoes in the hearts of all who remain.   I beseech you, wise stewards of our realms, to see the withering branches of conflict and heed the call for peace. Let the soil of our lands no longer drink the blood of kin. Cease the clash of swords, and let the whispering winds of reconciliation sweep through our once vibrant orchards.   The Seven watch, their judgment keen. In unity, we stand as the pillars of an unwavering sept, each house a sacred stone. United, we stand; divided, we fall. Let the cease of war herald the advent of a brighter season for our people.   With hope for a serene future, Blessings upon you all,
— Septa Caelia of Greenshield

Death of a King, Continued

  Brittlefang | Thenns | Mista Sista
While Great Ladies sit and discuss the future of the north in Winterfell, Magnar Brittlefang sits in the tallest tower in Dragonspire. The windows have been barred, and his feet remain chained to his bed. Daily, he has to endure visits from Queen Corbray, the insufferable twat. She thinks that she is “civilizing” him with her regular readings from great dusty tomes about long dead kings. He fantasizes about wrapping his chain around her neck every time he sees her, but he made a vow to return in one piece so that his two boys may have a father. His fate is in the hands of Lady Flint, and his lieutenant Greta Cavebear.   House Ryswell | The North | Eddy
A letter from the council of the North was copied by a page and leaked…  
Greetings Ladies, Magnars, and Nobles of the North, We in Glenmore Keep are overjoyed to hear the news that Lady Lyanna has survived. Doubtless had Jonathan known she was alive he would not have passed her claim to me, and so I renege on my claim to regency of the North. Nonetheless, I cannot ignore the depth of the offense perpetrated against me by my so-called allies who have become snakes in the grass and foul to my gaze. As long as those like Maria Mormont control the reigns of power the North is no place for a woman of honor. I will not be renewing my vows to this new Queen and will assert my regency over my own lands. I hope this finds you well and may the Old Gods bless you all.
— Queen Ræva Ryswell

Vengeance of House Pryor, Continued

  House Stone | Kingdom of the Vale | Jack Handy
~For over a fortnight, while held captive in the dungeons of Dragonspire ,the Wildlings Chief known as Brittlefang, has endured constant torture and abuse from Godric Stone and his men. Nights were long, laboring sessions of graphic mutilation, with fingernails being removed and cauterized, lashes across his body, beating, broken ribs. Sleep was rarely an option for him. Days consisted of almost total isolation, top of the highest tower, the sun beating him down. On the 16th day, this giant of a man was turning into skin and bones, as he was not fed and was barely given water. Ser Godric would usually enter the dungeon randomly throughout the day and night, something bringing hungry hounds to bite and threaten Brittlefang. Other times he would have a table set up in front of him and Godric would eat a grand meal and drink arbor gold, while telling Brittlefang about the history of the Realm, especially talking about such Kings as Maegor the Cruel and Maekar Targaryen.   On the 25th day, a slowly dying Brittlefang was taken in chains and placed into a wagon, where he was sent to The Eyrie where he would be held at the sky cells, the infamous dungeons of the Eyrie.   ~Little to no time was spent actually trying to gather information out of him, no questions about troop movements or naval positions. It seemed that torture purely for their pleasure was all that Godric Stone was interested in.


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