Season 4, Turn 02 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 02

Days 16 - 30 of the First Moon, 420 AC

General Summary

Trivia Q3

  Jack Handy
*** Q. In 401 AC, what other City failed to invade Norvos? ***
~ 5000 troops as prize   Mista Sista
Qohor!   Jack Handy
Correct, congratulations Brittlefang!

Musings of a Lord

  House Allyrion | Kingdom of Summerhall | {N.W.} TheLegend
Lord Allyrion looked down with much pride into the training grounds where his son, Trebor, was working hard at training for the upcoming great melee. After Trebor's unlikely jousting "win" at the practice tourney earlier this month, the boy had been more driven than ever to put up a good showing in the upcoming main event. He didn't want to burst the boy's bubble by telling him that he had probably jousted against mainly squires. Nymor looked to the right and saw his daughter come down the stairs and take a seat on the edge of the training area. She looked with much interest at the two fighters, mainly at the young knight sparring with her brother. "She would make a good wife for someone, very soon," he thought.   "My Lord," Gulian walked up to him briskly. "A raven, my lord." Nymor sighed and signaled with his hand that he was coming. It seemed like there was always something.

Slashing of Serry

  House Oakheart | Kingdom of Summerhall | Jack Handy
~Over the last week, tensions on the border of House Oakheart and House Serry have been high. To prevent violence, Lord Jack Oakheart agreed to meet Lord Adam Serry, Uncle to Lord Racheval Serry, in a Parley at Hewett's Castle   ~But ego and pride, on both sides, could not be contained. It is unsure of who attacked who first, but a battle within the Great Hall took place, with many killed, in fact all members of House Serry at the meeting were killed, including Lord Adam, who was cut in two, by Lord Jack. As he swung Blackfyre down on Lord Serry, it cut from his neck, through his body and out his leg, making two parts of Lord Adam on the floor. The Oakhearts were barely able to fight their way out of the castle and to their ship, retreating home   ~Jack, bleeding from his arm after an attack from a Serry guard, looks at his commander, "This is it my friend.. I let it get the best of me.. I have ruined us I fear."   House Serry | Kingdom of the Andals | Shinigami Knight
House Serry declares war on House Oakheart in response to the brutal attack at Hewett's Castle, where all members of House Serry present were slaughtered, including Lord Adam Serry. Justice will be served.   House Oakheart | Kingdom of Summerhall | Jack Handy
House Oakheart in turn, declares war upon House Serry. May the Gods protect us   House Serry | Kingdom of the Andals | Shinigami Knight
By the Seven Hells! I, Lord Racheval Serry, declare this with a heart aflame with outrage and disdain! House Oakheart, you have spilled Serry blood, and for this foul deed, vengeance shall be swift and relentless!   Prepare, Jack Oakheart, for I, Lord Racheval Serry, shall muster my forces at Casterly Rock and march upon Old Oak. Your final days draw near, and the fires of retribution shall consume you! The gods themselves will shudder at the reckoning you have invoked, for House Oakheart shall pay in blood for the treachery committed at Hewett's Castle!   House Oakheart | Kingdom of Summerhall | Jack Handy
"That pompous twat, I always knew Lord Adam was a fool but did he really think he could best me... I need to write to Vaegon at once. News will reach The Red Keep sooner than later"   "Our Roots Go Deep... and so will this sword, into your neck before this war is through."   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
House Oakheart has been attacked unprovoked by House Serry. As King of Summerhall and King of House Oakheart, I hereby demand King Bracken order Serry stand down!!!   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Smart man Oakheart. Wait until your winner's purse is paid before launching attacks upon the Serry. With that and Fossoway undermining my authority in the Reach again and attempting to claim Highgarden, I ask Summerhall to either condemn these actions or I will assume they were sanctioned.   From the reports I received, Oakheart attacked Serry.   I expect Summerhall to command both his vassals to stand down.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
Lord Serry has laid a trap to create for himself a reason to attack House Oakheart. This will not stand.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Serry laid no trap. Oakheart launched his attack first, killing Adam Serry to start the conflict. Had it been a trap, Serry would have launched an all out attack upon Oakheart’s holding to coincide with the so-called trap. Neither side seemed to expect this would happen, but yet it happened. If it were a trap, Oakheart’s ship would already have been aflame when he tried to flee to it.   House Corbray | Kingdom of the Vale | Prince Nyunyu
King Corbray is at the middle of the sea when he receives a raven announcing that war has just started "Should I keep moving to summerhall or move back?"   House Serry | Kingdom of the Andals | Shinigami Knight
A raven sent from Serry's Maester Ludwig Avignon on behalf of Lord Racheval, who's currently on the move with his soldiers:  
Dear 'King' of Summerhall,   I must commend you on your intriguing choice of "diplomatic" practices. It appears that in your realm, the art of negotiations involves dismembering one's foes with wild abandon. How quaint. In the West, however, we have evolved beyond such primal urges, favoring a more civilized approach to conflict resolution.   Here in our noble lands, we cherish the fine tradition of engaging in dialogue and exploring diplomatic avenues before resorting to unsheathing our swords. But alas, the reports emanating from the lamentable events at Hewett's Castle leave me perplexed and appalled.   I wonder, would you find it equally delightful if I were to extend the same courtesy to one of your esteemed delegations? Picture the scene: a peaceful parley, followed by a swift and brutal severing of alliances. Truly, it would be an unforgettable experience, wouldn't it?   But fear not, for we in the West maintain a certain decorum, and we shall continue to do so, even in the face of such uncivilized provocations.
— Racheval Serry
  House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
Let kings handle this business. I will speak with King Bracken to maintain the peace.   It seems Lord Serry thinks the west is superior to the east. But is it not the west now quarreling amongst themselves? Leave it to the civilized lords and kings to solve their issues.   House Corbray | Kingdom of the Vale | Prince Nyunyu
The Vale King decide to keep moving south "Let's just end this dispute at the tournament, kill each other with honor."   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
Serry is not in the tournament at Summerhall. Should we make room for one more?   House Serry | Kingdom of the Andals | Shinigami Knight
Ludwig Avignon: Indeed, actions do speak louder than words, and it is your actions, my dear 'King' of Summerhall, that have painted a vivid picture of your folk's character. You have showcased your brutal inclinations for all to see, and now you must accept the consequences of your choices.   There is a saying in the West: "You reap what you sow." You sowed discord and violence at Hewett's Castle, and now you shall reap the whirlwind that follows. There is little room for complaint when one's own deeds have sown the seeds of discord and retribution.   In the realm of diplomacy, as in life, one must tread carefully and consider the repercussions of their actions. It appears that wisdom has yet to find its home in Summerhall, but rest assured, the consequences of your brutality will be felt.   Actions, my dear 'King,' indeed speak for themselves, and they have spoken volumes about your kind.   House Florent | Kingdom of the Andals | Fey
Yes, Lord Serry should have a look inward before being gutted like a pig by what it is basically a foreigner at this point.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
And what do you see as "my kind"? Do not forget that any insult to my family is an insult to your own king. Your queen is a Targaryen as much as myself.   House Serry | Kingdom of the Andals | Shinigami Knight
Ludwig Avignon: "Your kind? One that supports the treacherous behavior of a slain delegation discussing peaceful matters. One that neither had the arms nor the intention of violence but ultimately succumbed to it."   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
I have not shown support for any action whether they be yours or Oakhearts. Perhaps you should learn to read before opening your mouth   House Serry | Kingdom of the Andals | Shinigami Knight
My apologies if my words led you astray, for it is your deeds, not your heritage, that I find objectionable.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
I have to remind you then, that no deed of mine was performed against your house.   House Swann | The Storm Kingdom | PatMagroyn
Jack Oakheart, the Green Bard, is a man of honor and integrity. To claim he went to another’s keep for a parley, only with intent to kill its lord, is as preposterous as Costayne being able to write a letter with proper grammar. What sense does that make? What man would even hope to make it out alive?   And to then insinuate that King Vaegon bade him to do so is even more heinous. These Reachlords have done nothing but insult the Kingdom of Summer. As a dear friend of both Lord Oakheart and King Vaegon, the conduct these so-called ‘lords’ have shown them is base behavior better expected from a Meereenese gladiator.   House Serry | Kingdom of the Andals | Shinigami Knight
In what world, indeed, does a 'king' hold his ally in such high regard? Has he conveniently forgotten the massacre of an entire delegation? And now we are to believe that it was my Lord's cunning plan to set this trap? Where are the repercussions? Where is your understanding of this?   What an amusing fairy tale you spin, perhaps it is you who should consider a career among the authors. I'd gladly pay to see this fantastical story grace my bookshelves.   House Swann | The Storm Kingdom | PatMagroyn
I don’t believe any plan of your Lord was ‘cunning’, as it led to his death and everyone dear to him. Though obviously he tried. To claim Lord Jack would murder anyone is absurd.   House Serry | Kingdom of the Andals | Shinigami Knight
Ludwig Avignon: Who are you again? My apologies, but I don't seem to recall our prior conversation, though my memory can be quite fickle, you know. Nevertheless, you seem to miss more than one point—parleys should be respected, especially when they are prearranged and accepted by both parties. My Lord, slain? I must correct you, it was an officer, where did you learn to read *chuckles*   As for the insinuations about the king's involvement, I must clarify that I never intended to suggest any such thing. I merely pointed out the rather curious timing of events, where the facts seemed to have taken a detour into the realm of misinformation.   If you so desire, I extend an invitation to you to come and see the scene for yourself. Witness the bodies of diplomats who possessed little to no experience in the art of warfare. Their thumbs, you'll find, were more accustomed to deskwork than swordplay, and their retinue consisted of but a few guardsmen. But of course, you are absolutely correct—it was all an intricately laid trap.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
I admit poor grammar on my part but you cannot read apparently. I said neither Serry or Oakheart went to the parlay intending to do harm. I also never said Summerhall ordered it. I said he must condemn it or I'll assume he sanctioned it. You twist my words as you wish to see them, nothing more.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
The fact remains that Jack was provoked by Lord Adam Serry, and had reason to defend his honor and the honor of his family.   House Serry | Kingdom of the Andals | Shinigami Knight
I'd take me uncle's rustic grammar over the eloquent lies of another man any time.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
The "fact"? That's just it, you're how far away in the Stormlands? The witnesses at Hewett's Castle will give testimony before the 7, will you? You know, since it seems Swann and Summerhall were both present apparently.   House Serry | Kingdom of the Andals | Shinigami Knight
Ludwig Avignon: Ah, indeed, if we were to cast judgment on folks for their past blunders, we'd be left with nought but smouldering ruins where cities and nations once thrived. But then again, who needs a reminder? It seems that tale's been told more than once, hasn't it?   House Oakheart | Kingdom of Summerhall | Jack Handy
Lord Adam spoke words about family of mine that I took as an insult. He was warned and when he spoke them again, I took action. Obviously the violence was started by myself... but I stand by my actions. He was warned to watch his tongue.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
Fact yes, I do take Jack Oakheart's word as truth. For what reason would he have to lie? What reason would he have to start a war but for the honor of his house?   House Oakheart | Kingdom of Summerhall | Jack Handy
I was the only member of Vaegon's council who was opposed to war... ironic I'm the one to start it... this damn sword.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
So you start a war over insults? This is how your kingdom is run? If your vassals feel insulted they can slaughter whomever they wish?   I will allow you and my king to discuss it but be aware I have been insulted too.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
To not only shed the blood of my vassal in his own castle but of all of his companions at such a meeting is a disgrace.   I understand that Lord Jack Oakheart believes his actions were justified. I furthermore understand that he was known to be a man of honor. I demand he prove both to be true. He shed blood in my realm, and so he must stand trial in my realm. If Lord Jack Oakheart does not immediately confirm his intention to travel to King's Landing to stand trial before me, then I will march on Old Oak and escort him myself.   House Oakheart | Kingdom of Summerhall | Jack Handy
Sometimes Men have to take action, Tom.. now go back to your castle and count your gold, while men sort through their shit. I need to ready my castle.   You are welcome to visit Old Oak Otho, I will be ready for you.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
So be it.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
I can attest Oakheart was a man of honor. He served me loyalty for decades before he vanished. Makes me wonder if it's the same Jack and not a faceless man. He slew Ryswell at the tournament. And now assaulted Serry at a parley. It makes me wonder what they did to him in Essos while he was a prisoner. They have famed fighting pits there and lately it seems as if he is acting as if he lives in one.   House Oakheart | Kingdom of Summerhall | Jack Handy
I went from a scholar, bard and became a killer it would seem.   ~Sitting in a washroom, deep under Old Oak , Jack has Maesters working on his wounds. It's not until his left hand gauntlet is removed and an ocean of blood pours out does he realize the damage. His pinky and ring finger is almost cut off, mangled from a blow he didn't even feel. Suddenly the pain begins to set in. The Maester looks up to him, almost with a worried look. Jack smiles and tells him to grab the arbor gold Long Tom sent him 2 years ago. Sitting there alone, he puts his head down and mutters, "fuck."   Free City of Pentos | ~TSK~ SteenB11
The father and son duo had just arrived at Storm's End when the news arrived.   Horro and Aelyx came across in a celebratory mood. The marriage agreement to Lyanna Stark had been agreed and signed upon. With the planning already taken place. The Melee was their chance to announce it. Establishing their house as true powers. With ties to the Targayrens and the Starks.   Yet, they were met straight away with a Maester. A note handwritten by Horro’s daughter, Ellyria:  
Father, I know you planned to Stay at Storm's End for a few days. To recuperate from your sea journey before continuing on to Stonehelm. Unfortunately, it is my responsibility to inform you to hurry to Summerhall directly instead. Already, as you receive this letter I shall be on my way there. Or I have arrived. You see, while on your journey an event has occurred that shall shift the balance of this world, our family and all the people we know and love.   Jack Oakheart has slain Adam Serry in combat. With war occurring between the two houses as we speak. As such, Vaegon has called his friends and allies such as us to Summerhall to discuss solutions. Your words and wisdom are needed.   Please hurry.   Yours with Love,
— Ellyria Swann nèe Mopatis.
  "By R'hollor and all that is absorbed by the Holy light." Horro managed, finding a nearby post to lean upon. The last few months he had been struggling more and more. His legs giving way. His body struggling with the hardships of everyday tasks.   When he woke up now, he always felt groggy. Taking time everyday to prepare himself as he had not in the past. A week prior he worried he would not make the Melee with a case of illness struck him. It still persisted. A cough that lingered. But, he could hope.   His son came to his side. A hand on his shoulder. He too read the letter. "You need rest, Father. Remain here for some time. Let me speak in your stead."   Horro eyed the boy. Still the small child he once remembered in his eyes. Though now, even he could see the danger in his eyes. His son would recommend war. He knew it in his heart. A true warrior, that one. But, in times such as this other voices must be heard.   "No, my daughter calls me. I shall forever be there. Through illness, disaster or death. None shall stop me."   And so the two left. Not waiting a moment.   Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Seresha read out reports to her father while he and the Maze Makers were busy planning out the new palace hedge maze. It was custom for the Magister of Lorath to redesign the maze at least once during their reign. Most Magister's did the bare minimum to keep the tradition however her father planned an extravagant maze. Fountains in the image of sea creatures, statues of historical figures, and covered gazebos were to be spread throughout the length of the maze. All paid for by the boring economic reports she read aloud to her father. Lorathi timber, whale oil, and cod proved to be profitable for both internal and external trade.   Her heart froze midway through the next missive. What she assumed to be a typical trade report from Westeros was news of a declaration of war.   "There is war between House Serry and House Oakheart an-and it looks like it could spread further!" Seresha took a moment to compose herself. Her father and the Maze Makers exchanged worried looks. The Reach may seem like a far off place but so was Braavos...   "There is nothing to worry about!" her father said in a cheerful tone.   "The Reach is very far away from Lorath; it would take a mountain of misfortune for such a war to grow large enough to arrive on our shores. No use in worrying about the problems of the future today is for the present." The tension in the room slowly rescinded with many agreeing with the wisdom of Qarlon. She sure hoped he was right.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
Jaehaera has sent spies of The Day Watch to House Targaryen of Summerhall. The sudden influx of Pentosi in the area is concerning. The spies report on gatherings of hooded figures at night. Especially in abandoned houses and uninhabited areas. Strange chanting was heard.   Is it a coincidence that there is an Essosi enclave in Ocean Road Border ?   Think about that, Lords and Ladies of Westeros.   And pray to The Seven.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Ocean Road Border indeed. It seems Oakheart DID plan to slaughter the envoys of House Serry. Because even before Serry could attack, Oakheart already had time to march Essosi mercenaries to The Reach. They must have marched for I hold the waterways granting entry to the entire west coast of Westeros and they were not granted passage by my fleets. The dark magic of Essos continues to be displayed at every turn. It could answer why all these Westerosi keep getting into bed with the Essosi who proudly admit they killed our late queen, pretended to be friends, and once enough of her vassals abandoned her he struck. Just as the Black Swann attempted to do in The Small Council.   House Oakheart | Kingdom of Summerhall | Jack Handy
Adam Serry made his bed. I told him to watch his tongue and he thought I was not a man of my word. If you wish to slander my name Long Tom, send another one of your flowery sons into battle and I'll cut him down just like that Wildling barbarian did to your eldest   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Concerned the dark arts of Essos are bewitching the lords of Westeros, Tom has Oldtown send ravens to every maester to be on the lookout for such things. Tom is aware maesters are loyal to whomever rules a house they serve, but he also knows they will move to protect that house if they see their lords are bewitched. The council of maesters order all maesters to begin practicing for possible exorcisms and gathering what supplies they need to conduct them.   House Oakheart | Kingdom of Summerhall | Jack Handy
The last of Visyena's mad men, I see you're still under her delusional beliefs   And good, send your eldest, he won't last much longer   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
I see you are not yourself, Jack. My son calls you Uncle, for the seven’s sake and you would threaten his life over what? What exactly was the crime committed? Speak the words that only you know for the delegation of House Serry cannot. The witnesses are unsure of what was said but the fact you struck first all confirm.

Ghosts of Highgarden

  House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Tom sees the massive army just move to Roseroad at Highgarden. It seems Fossoway will attempt to attack Tom or seize Highgarden to undermine his authority in The Reach. Either way it will lead to a war in The Reach.   House Fossoway (Green) | Kingdom of Summerhall | Bowler
Lord Costayne, only a fool would look at the vacant Highgarden and think only to himself, “What a wonderful adornment for the landscape! We should see that it remains abandoned and unused.” Highgarden holds great wealth that now only belongs to rotting corpses; we only seek to take that wealth and distribute it fairly to those who need it, rather than see it waste away. That is all.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Lord Fossoway you have been warned about challenging me authority in The Reach. Another will not come.   House Fossoway (Green) | Kingdom of Summerhall | Bowler
I will do as I do and you will do as you do. There is little else to say on the matter, Lord Costayne. I wish you well in your lands.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Smart man Oakheart. Wait until your winner's purse is paid before launching attacks upon the Serry. With that and Fossoway undermining my authority in the Reach again and attempting to claim Highgarden, I ask Summerhall to either condemn these actions or I will assume they were sanctioned.   I expect Summerhall to command both his vassals to stand down.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
I see no hostile movement from Lord Fossoway towards you, so I see no need to have him stand down cause there's nothing for him to stand down from.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
This is what I get for peacefully allowing my bannerman to swear fealty to Summerhall. If effort is not forthcoming from Summerhall to condemn the actions of his vassals I will be forced to take action.   You're not standing on Roseroad at Highgarden to see the forces but they are there or are you claiming I am not a man of my word?   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
For as far as I am aware, Highgarden does not belong to House Costayne. Thus it can be claimed by anyone who can take it   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Fossoway does not deny attempting to seize Highgarden either so if believe me a liar then feel free to ask your vassal.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
If you allow your bannermen to abandon you, it might be your own lack of leadership that leads them to seek a stronger leader. In House Targaryen they found it, and I will never abandon them on my honor   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
So be it.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
There is no reason for you to feel threatened by this. Since Highgarden is not yours   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
It has been claimed for years. Since I took the crown of The Reach before I swore fealty to Bracken. Your vassals keep pushing for conflict when this one could easily have been avoided. We were allies for over 20 years and you wish to forget it for the Pentosi whispering in your ear for civil war in Westeros. He will kill Myr while we weaken ourselves and then his Essosi friend who helps him kill Myr will pick off Westerosi lords with the blessing of Summerhall so you may have the throne. Once you have it, you will be a puppet king surrounded by your “allies” of the free cities all stronger and more powerful than you.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
You may claim it, but you do not hold it. Any low peasant can claim to own Highgarden, yet I do not see anyone hold it.   Pentos has nothing to do with this business. They provide good trade, nothing more. I decide what happens in my kingdom, not some Essosi banker sitting on his coins. You know better of me than allowing our lands to be ruled by lesser men. House Targaryen does not stand for these low insults you throw at us.   House Swann | The Storm Kingdom | PatMagroyn
House Costayne certainly loves his fiction. He should try writing a book for children with the tales he spins.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Swanns should not open their mouths but to take in their husband’s cock.   Looking for a new one? you do have a pretty mouth after all.   Actually he thinks much of Westeros no longer holds the honor and traditions their houses once held.   Free City of Pentos | ~TSK~ SteenB11
It is easy to blame those who are different from ourselves. Rather than to look further and find faults. Instead we turn to attribute our woes on others and cause blame.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
Mind your manners Lord Costayne. If you do wish to maintain your honor and dignity I recommend you keep your mouth shut. I once thought highly of you, but you've shown your true colors with words as coming from a swine's backside.   House Swann | The Storm Kingdom | PatMagroyn
And perhaps if Tom wasn’t wider than he was long, he would have taken Highgarden by now. No wonder Visenya lost so much with such a man running her realm. I don’t think anyone questions why so many of his ‘vassals’ left him for King Vaegon.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
As for my honor, I know my insults towards Swann are beneath me, King Targaryen, but after everything Swann and Pentos have done, I will finally sink to Swann’s level.

Matter of Coin

  House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Let it be known that House Ryswell refuses to pay debts owed by his house in the form of the entry fee for the melee. He claims he was unaware of the fee beforehand when the invitation was made to the public even stating I have lowered the entry fee to 500 gold so even the poorest of lords may attend. I also offered to take payments and cover his fee myself yet even this is refused. Any creditors out there should think twice before allowing Rywell to owe a debt.   House Ryswell | The North | Eddy
HER house. SHE claims. Lord Costayne appears to be rather behind on history, which is strange since we were both at this tournament. He saw me, and he saw my dead father. I can only take this as an intentional insult! Even if my father was aware of what he signed, which has not been proven, I certainly was not told of this decision and would have urged him not to attend.   I will not be extorted while in mourning. Our entire house wears grey and weeps, holding nightly vigils in his memory. The debt would be so great that we could not even pay with a full month's rent, and it would be impossible to manage without beggaring my house and starving my people.   Brittlefang | Thenns | Mista Sista
I’d cut House Ryswell a break. The aforementioned tournament let to the death of the head of their house. Listen, I’d be willing to pay their debts if necessary. House Ryswell deserves a break.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
Enough. The Crown, in good faith, will cover the debt of Lady Ryswell and pay the coin that Lord Costayne desires.   Brittlefang | Thenns | Mista Sista
In that case, go ahead Bracken   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jamhalo
The gold has been sent, and so the matter is settled. Lady Ryswell has the condolences of the Crown for the death of her father.   House Oakheart | Kingdom of Summerhall | Jack Handy
I'll cover the debt… the least I can do for the man I cut down. Use the gold for higher walls, because I'm coming south soon, first I need to send a few more Reachlords to their dirt naps   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
I have returned the coin to my King. If Oakenheart wishes to forgive the debt which are his winnings so be it. All other fees and a 1k bonus from myself have already been paid to Oakheart.   House Ryswell | The North | Eddy
House Ryswell extends its deepest gratitudes to the parties involved. We are honored.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
I offer formal apologies to the Lady Ryswell. Should my son win a purse in his next tourney I will donate twice its worth in grain and wine to your people; keep you well stocked for winter should it come.   House Ryswell | The North | Eddy
I thank you, Lord Costayne, and apologize likewise for accusing you of extortion. Such an exaggeration was prompted by desperation and was unworthy of a noble house.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
No offense taken. I am called an extortionist weekly by every wine peddler from here to Meereen.

Trivia Q4

  Jack Handy
Q. Who was King Aegor Targaryen's real father? *2000 armies as prize*   {N.W.} Blader
Samwell targaryen   (No, Arthur Hightower)   Jack Handy
Officially it was Samwell Targaryen but the answer I'm looking for is Arthur Hightower, congratulations Lord Henry Piper

Exploration of Braavos

  Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Banyani felt "The Adventurer" pitch and roll as it cut through the choppy Braavos Waters. The Titan still stood guard over Braavos keeping a watchful eye on the empty harbors. His fathers stories didn't do it justice; he couldn't help but stare in amazement. It reached higher and higher into the sky as one approached the city. His thoughts were interrupted by a sailor, it was time to meet with the other captains of the expedition.

Trivia Q5

  Jack Handy
** Have I used this question yet?? My records say no but I feel like I did...
Q. At the Siege of New Tide, in 418 AC, what animal was used by Volantis to help win the battle?   Damia Rose
War Elephants   Jack Handy
Correct Lady Karstark! 5000 soldiers will be sent to you now!

Trivia Q6

  Jack Handy
***Q. What House did Jon Snow plan to marry his son, Samwell, off too? *10k in soldiers   PatMagroyn
House Targaryen   *Tarly dammit   Jack Handy
Hmmm judges......   Correct Lady Swann   PatMagroyn
In my defense…the first answer was funny.   Jack Handy
You got it, all the gold

Trivia Q7

  Jack Handy
***Bonus Question worth 10k in armies!***
***Q. What year did reconstruction begin on the Targaryen Palace of Summerhall?   Sentry
321 AC   Jack Handy
Correct Sentry!

Stormy Times in The Storm Kingdom

  House Swann | The Storm Kingdom | PatMagroyn
Unrest is rife in the Northern Stormlands. Rumors have never ceased since her ascension, and in fact, only heightened after Evenfall Hall’s Rebellion.   During Revan’s Rebellion, Queen Visenya constantly talked of dark magic and foreign sorcerers targeting her court. And in the time since, several rogue elements in the Stormlands have cast Queen Ellyria Mopatis Swann as the dark sorceress Visenya spoke of.   Ellyria’s Curse of Ten is a heavily whispered tale. At her wedding, there were 3 lords who served as groomsmen for the Black Swann.   Juspar Baratheon, who lost lands in Myr, the City of Tyrosh, and was killed unceremoniously at sea ten years later.   Richard Pryor, who lost White Harbor, Braavos, his own lands, and then his life destitute in foreign lands ten years later.   And Jack Oakheart, who only escaped his fate as he was absent from the wedding. Due to being kidnapped by pirates. No doubt due to the curse. The events with House Serry and his fate have only renewed talk of the curse once again.   The Black Swann himself is commonly held as an example by Ellyria’s detractors of a person controlled by her dark magic.   Though opinion is split, and hundreds of rumors fly about the event, the Black Swan’s alleged attempt on Visenya’s life is still often debated. Did he attempt to kill her? Was he falsely accused? Was he framed? Could it have been a Faceless assassin?   Certain accusers would say it was Ellyria that commanded him with foreign magic. And killed him when finally confronted. Regardless of the truth, to talk of ‘Ellyria’s Curse’ aloud is to lose one’s tongue.   But even now, propaganda spread by certain people would have one believe she has covens performing the dark arts in places as far as Summerhall.


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