Roland Caswell Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Roland Caswell

Keeper of Visenya's Wall (Southern Wall), Lord of Tumbleton and Bitterbridge Roland Caswell (a.k.a. The Keeper's Son)


Roland Caswell has always been considered a fine and honorable man, just like his late father. He has a close relationship with his younger brother, Theo, who works closely with his to maintain the Southern Wall or Visenya's Wall, while ruling over one of the busiest trading routes in the known world. After the last member of House Footly died of gout, the Queen bestowed the large city and castle of Tumbleton and the title of Keeper of the Southern Wall.
House Sigil

Truth Knows Two Sides
Date of Death
2nd Fortnight of the Fifth Moon
384 AC 420 AC 36 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died in the Battle of the Blueburn


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