Season 1, Turn 17 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 1, Turn 17

Days 1 - 15 of the Ninth Moon, 406 AC

General Summary

Tournament for Marriage

  House Santagar | Aegon The Conqueror
If there’s still slots left in the tournament I would like to compete as well.   Host | Jack Handy
Okay, I believe Eddy also asked, so since both of you were in the first tournament, if other players I mentioned that weren't don't want to compete I'll add you guys.   House Costayne | Three Tower | sandman
All seats are full. Only if someone gets cold feet and doesn't wanna get married will a slot open up. Everyone, don't forget the winner will be the groom and exchange castles as a wedding dowry. The tournament, feasts, and entertainment from all corners of the realms are ongoing all week before the wedding and bedding at the end of the tourney. May your lances strike true each of you. Betting of course will take place and I will enforce all dues paid to winners. There will be no welching on bets under my roof without consequence. So don't gamble coin you don't have.   Acrobats, fire eaters, magicians, a parade of exotic animals and much more will be the entertainment. Each night a different act will perform at the end of each day's jousts. All lords are welcome to attend the festivities.  

Oathbreaker, Continued

  House Cerwyn | Castle Cerwyn | Sir Riskalot
Ryswell, you are confused about property rights just as much as proper names escape you, but you are improving. Lord Pryor doesn't "protect" me from you, never has, nor does he need to hide from you or his official duties. He made a deal with me and Stark and simply collected his ends of the bargain without having to raise a sword, insult a lord, or even cry about any injustices to do such. Imagine that! If only a "king" such as yourself could find the candor to conduct business in such a manner..not in your nature, I suppose. You prefer cheating at races and shouting from afar. Soon your screams will be all that can be heard, your subsequent silence being just reward.   The real coward has been exposed, over and over again. You hide behind such salty language but you will be made to eat those words soon. Your son can have the leftovers. Your wife can have.... me, if I find her comely enough. That will be spoils enough.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
Another feast of blather, but you’ll eat your words soon enough. He most certainly is protecting you from me. If he’s not, gift me Lower Flint Lands.  

Conflict in the North, Continued

  House Crowl | Deepdown | Mathis Rowan
House Yronwood if you do not deploy anymore troops in the North, then we won't have a problem.   House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
Why is House Orkwood destroying House Stout and no one seems to care?   House Orkwood | Orkmont | Inpes
The destruction of House Dustin is a result of him failing to yield to my lord The Iron Isles. As captain of The Iron Fleet I have forced his yield.


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