Season 4, Turn 08 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 08

Days 16 - 30 of the Fourth Moon, 420 AC

General Summary

Death of a King, Continued

  Brittlefang | Thenns | Mista Sista
The leaders of the great houses and clans of the North make the Trek to Winterfell to discuss the new state of the north. The lack of clear succession has made the potential claimants numerous.   Lady Maria Mormont was the strongest supporter of House Stark before the King’s death. Her steadfast commitment to the Kingdom of the North has never been questioned, and although her military experience is limited, she could make a strong leader.   Lady Ryswell was the first to make her claim, surprising many. After only a year since the return of House Ryswell to the North and the death of the house’s patriarch, Lady Ryswell’s rise to power has been meteoric. Though her claim is likely to be contested, rumors persist of significant support south of the Neck…   Lady Calian Flint is the most battle-hardened of all the heads of house in the North. Fresh off a victory against Lord Pryor, Flint has made fast friends with the Freefolk of Thenn, and angered the Kings of the Vale for holding on to Pryor’s treasures. With war to the south and increasingly strained relations with the Freefolk, perhaps the kingdom needs a warrior to lead us through winter.   House Karstark has long boasted the king's blood in their veins, and has once again retaken their seat in Karhold after the death of Lord Titus Crowl. Their claim by blood may be the strongest of all the Northern Lords, but their house is the weakest. Without additional support, they will not win the crown.   Lord Magnus Magnar inherits the legacy of his father, the great uniter Titus Crowl. He is the strongest Lord of the North, ruling vast resources from the coast of Skagos Island. If he can recreate the exploits of his father and unite the Freefolk and the North to one common cause, he may become a legendary King.   I, Magnar Brittlefang of the Thenns, will not be making a claim on the crown. My destiny is to rule the Freefolk as one people, not the men of the North.

Vengeance of House Pryor, Continued

  House Corbray | Kingdom of the Vale | Prince Nyunyu
Eighteen years. Eighteen years since he made himself a name in those cold lands. He didn't expect to sail there again with an army. "Let's hope we don't have to reach far shores this time, '' he thought out loud. The wind was cold, the breeze was colder. "How did we end like this? It was the bastard? The Death of King Stark? Lady Flint not listening? The Wildings at the other side of the wall? The War of the Andals? Maybe the reason is older, the Rebellion of the 4 Kings? The End of the Century of Blood? … Who knows… who cares. The current situation feels inevitable, like pieces falling one on another." He turned on his Maester. "Maester, please, send ravens to all the Houses of the North, and to the wildings. Explain the current situation to all of them"

Clash of Kingdoms, Continued

  House Fossoway (Red) | Kingdom of Summerhall | Ricky Norris
David had not slept the night before and had not received much sleep even before that. The same fire that had raced through his veins when taking Coldmoat had started again and would not leave. However, he no longer faced a disjointed force or a sickened, weakened king. For all that Bracken was new to his seat, his men were loyal, and as much as it pained David to admit, better supplied. There would be no clean victory for either side.   A week had passed since David had sent the order of no retreat to his old instructor of tactics at Silverhill. How many had he consigned to death? Three thousand, four thousand, five? David had tried to ferry out as many as he could along the Serret. However, traps and scarecrows are no replacement for real men and so most had needed to stay to their posts. He hoped the old bastard had surrendered at the last rather than fight it out. David would rather pay a ransom than attend his funeral. There was nothing that could be done for that doomed front now. Every life was spent to buy him this chance.   The armies of Casswell had been playing cat and mouse around Longtable since the overeager shitlicks had marched across the border without a declaration of war. The fact that much of David’s army had been camped out in the Blueburn Conflux in what house Casswell considered their ancestral lands had been a blow to the enemy house's morale. Armies from both sides had quickly equalized, but Casswell’s gits were split by the Mander. It was there that the idea had been born. David had been possessed by the maps in his tent. The call of the Mander and murmur of his troops swirled together until at last like lightning from the blue the Gods blessed David.   It was amazing what one could accomplish with enough scarecrows. David had always been awed that a man of straw could scare off the birds from the fields. The same was true of men and castles. Longtable had been full to bursting not long ago, but now it set empty save for a skeleton crew and every scarecrow David could get his hands on. The ruse would be spotted eventually, but it would be too late by then. While Casswell’s bannermen finally marched to reclaim the conflux their minds surely on the soon to be siege of Longtable, David struck. It was an ambush and a massacre. Twenty-two-thousand men walked into twice their number and not one remained; the army was broken to the winds. Rolland may very well have played in these fields and forests as a boy, but David studied them as a man. David was not the Lord of the Mander, but he felt like he was in that moment. The war was not over, but this victory had been decisive.  
"May the orchards of Fossoway grow on the blood of boys pretending to be men."
— David Fossoway after the battle of Blueburn Conflux

Resurgence of the New Gods

  House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
I will establish a new holy place in Bywater Household for The Day Watch and the common people. It is of utmost importance to preserve the unity of the Realm in these days of war. May the Father help us in our struggle and may the Stranger guide our fallen comrades to the other side.   I will place the administration in the hands of the best Septa there currently is, Septa Caelia. Because I only know how to burn things. Perhaps this will also be an opportunity for me to learn if there is another way.   Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
Ahem, an announcement from Septa Caelia  
Harken, devoted souls! Today, I stand before you to herald the dawn of a wondrous era—a time of radiant faith and collective devotion.   It all commenced with the unwavering dedication of Lord Henry Piper, may his spirit bask eternally in the warmth of the Mother's love. From there, the torch of faith has been passed on, blazing brilliantly in the hearts of noble souls such as the benevolent King Otho Bracken and the gallant Lord Harlen Uller. They, dear friends, have been the vanguard, the architects of our first sacred sites—the Septs—built upon the bedrock of unwavering belief.   My heart overflows with joy as I hear the harmonious echoes of other Lords and Ladies, eager to join our sanctified fellowship. Today, we plant the seeds of faith's enduring growth, its roots anchored firmly in the fertile soil of our collective spirit. Together, like a towering forest, we shall stand, offering shelter and solace to future generations.   Let this day serve as a beacon of hope, piercing through the inky abyss of despair. May its radiant glow be your guiding light, keeping you buoyant amidst the turbulent seas of darkness.   In unity and faith, we shall prevail. So let us, hand in hand, ascend the precipice of devotion and let our unwavering belief illuminate the world.   Blessings and light to you all.
— Septa Caelia
  (Should you wonder how the system works with building a Sept in your territory, here is a short infosheet. The first 5 architects of this project followed a path of Goodwill, hence they will be rewarded!)   Last but by no means least, I am truly humbled to acknowledge the presence of King Vaegon Targaryen. May the Mother's gentle embrace enfold you in the blossoms of enlightenment   House Uller | Kingdom of Summerhall | {N.W.} Rasche
Harlan Uller scoffs, hearing the news of a chapel founded in Sandstone without his blessing, no doubt led by his daughter Elayna

Braavosi Restoration, Continued

  Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Qarlon smiled as he watched the first ships of settlers arrive in Purple Harbor. Along with them the Lorathi Senate planning to hold session in the long abandoned Palace of Truth. Despite this milestone Braavos had only begun its long road to recovery. Qarlon's adopted city had sacrificed much to restore his home; he hoped in time Braavos would return the favor.

Great Tournament of Ny Sar, Continued

  Free City of Ny Sar | KingEridani
The grand tournament Ny Sar is beginning. The tournament proper will take place after a full week of celebratory feasting to welcome in the new year.   Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Banyani Jaqen will end his visit in Lys to travel to Ny Sar to attend the tourney. Although he probably will not make it in time to participate directly he is still interested in observing the fighting styles of the competitors.


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