Season 4, Turn 46

Days 16 - 30 of the Eleventh Moon, 421 AC

General Summary

Black Sails in Essos

  House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
While Jaehaera was still asleep and dreaming of her future husband, her father appeared on the other side of the ocean that separates Westeros and Essos. The people of Andalun Port awoke to shouts and smoke and fire when Lucaellar’s ships appeared in the middle of the night. Nobody had been watching the sea because nobody sails at night. Nobody but those ships with black sails. After firing their ballistae at the town's garrison, the pirates raided the city. They took gold and luxury articles as well as food.   ... And then they burned everything in reach.   When the sun fully rose, the black ships were gone.  

The Holy Hundred's Hollow Sanctuary, Continued

  High Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
We are pleased to announce the grand completion of the Greatest Sept of All—Excelsior. After an era of dedicated labor and devotion, this magnificent edifice stands as a testament to our unwavering faith and perseverance. Located at the Hollow Sanctuary, Excelsior is poised to become the heart of our spiritual and communal life.   As we rejoice in this monumental achievement, we are also preparing for a joyous occasion that will mark the first official event within these hallowed halls. The wedding of Princess Jaehaera and Lord Henry Piper is set to take place in one week, an event that promises to be as grand and awe-inspiring as the Sept itself.   We invite all faithful to join us in celebration and prayer as we dedicate this sanctuary to the divine and commence a new chapter in our shared journey.   May the light of the Seven guide us all.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
House Bracken is very impressed with the New Sept at Hollow Sanctuary.  

All Eyes on the Vale, Continued

  House Oakheart | Kingdom of the Andals | Koen27
The Redfort cowards have assaulted us in the night with fire and thunder. The night was dark and the sky was rumbling, but it did not rain. They came in the night with but a dozen riders, their approach masked by the thundering sound from above. They set our army camp ablaze. The fire spread quickly, many died in their sleep. Others died screaming in their tent, unable to escape. Ser Tristan Timber, who was up during the night, managed to grab his bow quickly and shot down seven of the horse riders. His valiant efforts have saved a lot of lives and reduced the damage done to our army.   The forces commanded by Ser Harwin Hasty camped on the east side took the heaviest losses. Most of their soldiers were burnt to a crisp. Lord Morgan Yelshire and Ser Norbert Norridge did not survive the assault. Commander Arys Oakheart survived with minor burns to his arms and face. Commander Aegar's tent burned down in its entirety, yet the son of the Summer Prince sustained no injuries.   House Corbray | Kingdom of the Vale | Prince Nyunyu
From the walls of Heart's Home a unique rider could be seen holding the banner of House Redfort as he arrives the walls open the doors. Now the king can see him clearly. He is covered in blood and has 2 arrows on his back. The Rider recognises the King and says quickly, "My King, bad news!! Lord Arthos fell in the Siege of Redfort! He died fighting for his home! I came here to tell you that he honored his oath until the very end! Now he may join his sons in the hall of warriors!" After that the soldiers fall because of his wounds   The king sent the rider with the maesters. After that he thought about Lord Redfort, the Old Man of the Vale, his hand and the wiser counselor probably all across the seven kingdoms. However he was one of the first to stand against the insulting offer that Bracken made to the Vale, even knowing what could that meant. Staying loyal to House Corbray, to the Vale. His 3 sons have died in this same war. However his grandsons were safe and sound, far away. He looked at Redfort's swords and chuckled, the King could barely imagine the ancient men fighting with one sword, and he fought with 2. He quickly decided what to do.   After sending the ravens he went to visit the rider, which, unluckily didn't survive.   Two days later, they celebrated a funeral in the honor of Lord Arthos, Redfort, the Oldman of the Vale, Hand of the King. However the funeral was strange, as no family members were present and there wasn’t any body to be buried.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
~Ser Larkin stood amidst a group of agitated merchants, their complaints a discord of frustration and worry. The war was disrupting their trade routes, and the island of Breakwater had become a hub of tension. Larkin did his best to address their concerns, his patience wearing thin as he promised to relay their grievances to the appropriate channels.   Just as the merchants seemed on the verge of another outburst, Alexander Bracken and a group of soldiers approached. The sight of the Prince in his Northern armor, his helmet shaped like a wolf, provided a momentary distraction. Recognizing the opportunity, Larkin excused himself from the merchants and moved to speak with Alexander.   "Prince Alexander," Larkin greeted, bowing slightly. "I trust your patrol was uneventful?"   Alexander nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Yes, though it seems the Vale is retreating faster than anticipated. They've put up little resistance against the Wolves. It's almost as if they're fleeing to Essos, abandoning their lands without much of a fight."   Larkin's expression mirrored the Prince's curiosity. "Indeed, their resolve has been surprisingly weak. Perhaps they're hoping for reinforcements from across the Narrow Sea. Or maybe they're simply trying to preserve their strength for a later assault."   Alexander glanced around, ensuring their conversation remained private. "Either way, we must remain vigilant. The cost of underestimating them could be high."   Larkin nodded in agreement. "True. But there is another matter that requires your attention. Scouts from the Costayne host have arrived. They wish to speak with whoever is in charge of the Northern army."   Alexander's brow furrowed beneath his helmet. "House Costayne... So Armstead is here after," he thought to himself out loud. Tensions between them and the North have been high.   "They haven't specified, but it's likely they seek to discuss our coordination on the battlefield. The uneasy alliance between the Iron Throne and the North is causing friction. We need to tread carefully."   Alexander took a deep breath, considering their next steps. "Very well. I'll speak with them. We cannot afford to let any strife weaken our efforts against the Vale," Alex paused. "I do fear that this dance Lord Jorah is performing with the Costayne armies may cause more harm than anyone is aware of."   Larkin's face jumped as Alexander stopped. "My Prince, would it be wise to have to speak with Lord Costayne, as our involvement in helping the North is meant to be a secret?"   Alexander let out a sign and then looked at his friend. "Well then, let's hope our discussions lead to a strong understanding of the the fate of this war, maybe even the North, may well depend on it."  

Unifying Union

  House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
Royal Announcement
The Crown Prince Alexander Bracken and Queen Lyanna Stark of the North are delighted to announce their forthcoming wedding. The ceremony will take place at Winterfell, uniting the realms in celebration and heralding a new era of unity and strength.   We are honored to welcome King Otho I, who will be present to bless this union and join in the festivities. This momentous occasion invites all to witness the joining of two great houses and the dawn of a prosperous future.   Join us at Winterfell to celebrate this historic event.   House Stark ~ House Bracken   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Armstead is spotted leaving Castle Darry headed to Hollow Sanctuary for the wedding. With his men proceeding slowly and cautiously through the narrow sea to Coldwater Burn, he has plenty of time to make the wedding and return to his men. News of the announcement of the royal wedding comes spreading like wildfire. He hears of the announcement yet is not overly surprised he did not receive an invitation to the wedding. Northern houses would sooner spit on him then sup with him after all.   Armstead sends a cask of arbor gold, the rarer vintage of King’s select, to the King Otho Bracken for the wedding in the North. Armstead knows there is no arbor gold or dornish red to be found in the north that hasn't been stored in a lord's personal winery for many years. Long Tom, having established that trade embargo around a decade ago alongside the House Dalt of Lemonwood, informed any merchants peddling these wines in the North would see their businesses barred from future purchases. He contemplates lifting the embargo for a price, knowing most things have a price anyway, but the northerners seemed content enough drinking the stronger spirits distilled across the rugged north anyway.   With his father gone, Armstead is now forced to deal with the diplomatic side of his house rather than focusing only upon the war efforts. Having been off fighting for years now, Armstead focused upon building his house even higher than his father before him. He sets off on his first goal before him in his attempts to climb higher up the ladder of what many call the game of thrones. His house, while powerful as it is, has fallen much in the king's court since his father's passing. Armstead's lack of presence in the royal court has set him back in many areas. Usually preferring to be off at war, establishing a name for himself that is not overshadowed by his father's great legacy, has left Armstead with less knowledge of who is in bed with whom of late both figuratively and literally.   He continues his daily routine of intense training and study as he travels. Books and blades ever present in his life and almost always within reach. While he is not even 20, he has married twice and led more battles than many men twice his age. His troops follow him with more loyalty than a zealot to their god. Undefeated in battle he has earned many nicknames. But he knows that a lot of it was position, timing, and supply lines. Deciding he may have proven his abilities enough already a raven is sent to the king about what more he might offer to the crown.   House Corbray | Kingdom of the Vale | Prince Nyunyu
King Jamie announces he would not be able to assist at the Wedding.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
Jamie is more than welcome if he changes his mind.  

Peace for Lorath?

  House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
~ Alexander Bracken sends ravens to all lords and ladies of the Iron Throne, calling for an end to any and all conflicts with the Republic of Lorath, as the time for peace between the Narrow Sea has come.   Free City of Lorath | Sentry
The lit brazier illuminated the cloaked priesthood as they gathered at the heart of the maze. The heart was enclosed by ivy-covered stonewalls and hosted many statues of the Gods of the Lorathi Pantheon. Shadows of the Gods, both old and new, danced along the walls, mixing and mingling together. The supernatural display was interrupted by “The Prophet”; Alon Ostin stepped out of the shadows to address the faithful.   “Brothers and sisters, thank you for gathering here on this momentous night.” Alon briefly paused to wait for everyone's attention.   “We have gathered here to weave together our shared knowledge of the Gods. To settle our doctrinal disagreements and forge one truth.” Alon's voice steadily rose as he began the next part of his speech.   “Tonight we commit ourselves to protect the good people of our Republic. Tonight, we make a stand against the false gods that eat away the soul of this nation! No longer beholden to a senate that feigns peace but only brings war! Tonight…!” He lowered his voice once again to draw his listeners in.   “Tonight we organize the faith and show the world that those old statues slumber no longer.” The crowd cheered and praised the gods at the end of his speech. Alon was not fooled by this show of unity. It would be many months, possibly years before they could come to an agreement on scripture. However, it was a start, a start that would put wind in their sails and help spread the faith.  

Union of The Hand

  House Piper | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Blader
A ship bearing the blue banners of House Piper arrives at the harbor of Maidenpool. The ship has not been seen for a long time. Yelling can be heard from the docks as the ship pulls in to anchor. Men along the piers scurry to accommodate the Lord Paramount's ship.   As the rigging is tied up and the plank to the pier is placed, men clad in the heaviest of armor step off the ship, swords sheathed at their sides. Their armor is heavy steel adorned with sigils of house Piper on their chests and backs. Steel ornaments of flours are fused to their helmets, and their swords are gold on the pommels and hilts. At first glance, these men are recognized as Lord Henry Piper's personal retinue. Ten of these men step off of the ship in single file, flowing into two lines of five.   They canvas the dock, ordering all men nearby to disperse and make room. Then after two men who are very tall with brown skin and dark eyes and hair follow, they hold between them a wooden crate that shakes from side to side. It looks heavy, heavier than it should be as soon as the two Essosi men step off the ship they make for the ten soldiers. they walk to the middle of them as the soldiers in the back make way for them. The ten men clad in fine steel armor surround the two crate carriers as they begin to march off the pier and into the city.   Behind them, the ship master steps off the ship to speak with the person in charge of the docks. He walks up to him as he is seen dusting himself off after being shoved to the ground. "My the gaul of those men. What is the meaning of their aggression?" he angrily demanded an answer.   The Shipmaster was also dressed in Piper blue, his auburn hair coarse from the sea salt that calcified it. "Lord Henry Piper has ordered that these men make their way through the city without delay. My lord is en route now to meet with them, and any form of delay will not be accepted at all. I apologize for the inconvenience, but you understand how Lord Henry may be about his collectibles."   The person in charge of the dock responds by saying "Aye, but what is with the foreigners and the heavy guard accompanying them, what did he purchase this time?"   "I do not know, they would not tell me. The only people who know are the two foreigners. We picked them up after traveling to Saath. The head guard told me that he had received word from Lord Henry Piper that there was an artifact in Saath that was of immense importance and that we must immediately travel there to acquire it. When we arrived the two men were waiting with the crate, and the guards after inspecting the crate, ordered them aboard the ship and to make accommodations for them. I had to rotate my crew so that two of them were sleeping on the floor for the whole voyage back." the Shipmaster spoke with an annoyed voice.   "Indeed that must be quite an aggravating adventure. I always knew that life on a ship wasn't for me." said the man in charge of the docks as he sighed.   The Ship master scoffed, saying with a voice that spoke with the experience of his age, "you don't know the half of it. We had to avoid Corbray ships as we sailed back west. Some say they saw them making port at Qohorik as we passed by. I have no idea why so many ships from the vale were making landfall there, but I didn't intend to remain there for long enough to find out."   The men clad in heavy steel armor steadily move through the city, pushing all out of their way without restraint, and swiftly striking those that find anger from their actions. peasants throughout the streets either cowered as the steelmen passed by, or some would try their luck, swiftly being cut down in their tracks. Once the men exited the gates they made for the stables, of which horses and a carriage were waiting for them. The knights would mount their steeds, and the Essosi men from Saath would climb aboard the carriage, covering it with hay, and other random items were provided to make the cart appear less valuable. They would set off for Hedge Hill where they would meet with Lord Henry Piper to deliver his prize.


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