Archmage Xullfryn Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Archmage Xullfryn

What Do We Know?

Xullfryn is a female drow who has been seen often wearing a grey dress with a hood sewn into it concealing most of her face. She is the current Archmage of Illusion for the Arcane Academy and the House of the Arcane. She is also well known for being all over Davros due to his previous affiliations with necromantic practices.   We have had some interaction with Archmage Xullfryn up to this point as a party as she asked the Menagerie to aid her by covertly reviewing the research of Davros for any suspicious activity and/or anything he might be hiding from her. We have, during this very request seen the true level of illusory power she posesses with her able to confuse all of us into walking into another stanger's home to have a conversation with her. Other than that. our interactions with her however, have been minimal as we have not been back yet to report our rather uninteresting findings of Davros's true research.

Character Information

Physical Description
Female drow of an unknown age
Place of Residence
Organizational Affiliations
House of the Arcane
Arcane Academy
Known Relations
Works closely with Master Ulzaren Davros
Suspected Class Information
High Level Illusion Wizard
Known Weaknesses


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