Archmage Bavol Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Archmage Bavol

What Do We Know?

Bavol is an older aasimar gentleman who is the current Archmage of Divination for the Arcane Academy and the House of the Arcane. He is well known for wearing bright whites and being blind but still able to see all due to his high level of skill with divination magic. Bavol has also taught some divination at the Academy of Adept Sorcerers in more recent time which is where the Menagerie first ran into him following a letter we received from him on our way there. He is well known for only showing up to events involving important decisions when needed and for having given regular reports of his findings to the previous Archmage of Conjuration, John Morazmus. This was until Morazmus's forced resignation from the position following the breach of The Hole.   Bavol has helped the party on a number of occassions, warning the party of Darren Blackburn and his surveillance on the party in the nothern part of Eisilfel. Since then, he has also responded to some of our other concerns, most notably though are Shiro who Bavol had sent to us following Arahbo's call for help to him alongside his warning to Arahbo that he would be speaking in a meeting of the Archmages and H.O.A. shortly before it began so as not to have it catch him by surprise.

Character Information

Physical Description
Blind male aasimar of older age who often wears bright whites
Place of Residence
Organizational Affiliations
House of the Arcane
Arcane Academy
Academy of Adept Sorcerers
Known Relations
Suspected Class Information
High Level Divination Wizard
Known Weaknesses


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