Master Rolith Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Master Rolith

What Doe We Know?

Master Rolith is known to be a female tiefling of an unknown age, famous for being incredibly disorganized. Master Rolith is the teacher for conjuration magic at the Academy of Adept Sorcerers in the city of Andron. There she is well known for constantly losing people's turned in assignments, papers, and exams and almost never giving out homework in the first place.   Milo personally enjoyed her classes quite alot. While he never had any respect for the lack of organiziation this woman had, he certainly did appreciate the very easy exams and low levels of effort he needed to put into her classes.   The Menagerie of Chaos as a whole have had very few interactions with this woman up to this point, with the most notable being when we returned students Gary and Josh (two of the students that were members of the vampire cult) to her, to determine what their punishment should be. Master Rolith had them put inside some sort of extradimensional space and they have, to our knowledge not been seen since. Milo did warn after all that she was indeed incredibly disorganized. So maybe she simply forgot about them?

Character Information

Physical Description
Female tiefling of an unknown age
Place of Residence
Organizational Affiliations
Academy of Adept Sorcerers
Known Relations
Milomo Plumecrest (Student)
Suspected Class Information
High Level Conjuration Mage
Known Weaknesses
Her true lack of organization cannot possibly be a strength


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