Tralen Character in Melora | World Anvil
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What Do We Know?

Tralen was a wood elf of about 150 years of age and fit a large majority of the stereotypes for wood elves. Tralen was a member of the Shadow's Edge and was someone we encountered many times in our adventures prior to his death.   We first met Tralen with the rest of his party in a tavern in Thaneas before we later fought him and his group and beat them in a tournament held in the arena. The Menagerie would later go on to work with Tralen and the other members of the Shadow's Edge to eliminate the threat of some remorhazes to the north of Thaneas and breach The Hole where they betrayed us and stole the Beads of Corruption after we were offered the job at some form of necromancy convention the Shadow's Edge invited us to attend.   After that, Tralen was only encountered one other notable time. We met him and the rest of the Shadow's Edge in the northern city of Llurth Drier where we found him, Falwin, Bren, Temerity, and Solzyr working together to activate a portal using the Beads of Corruption that we have been told leads to the Astral Plane. It was in this fight that Tralen lost his life at the hands of the Menagerie.

Character Information

Physical Description
Male wood elf of about 150 years of age with very stereotypical wood elf features (Deceased)
Place of Residence
In or around Thaneas
May have shared a residence in the western part of Valencia
Organizational Affiliations
Shadow's Edge
Known Relations
Suspected Class Information
Mid-to-High Level Ranger
Known Weaknesses
Fire did not treat him well


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